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22–26 May 2017
Temple University - Philadelphia
US/Eastern timezone

A wide energy range neutron spectrometer for fusion experiments or safety diagnostics applications

25 May 2017, 15:06
Morgan Hall D301 (Temple University - Philadelphia)

Morgan Hall D301

Temple University - Philadelphia

Morgan Hall, 1398 Cecil B. Moore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA


Philippe Legou (CEA Saclay DRF Irfu)


From the heart of stars to laboratories, plasmas constitute one of the major objects of the physics in many research institutes. Very big research infrastructures aim at big advances in the understanding of the physics of plasmas. Some Fields of application of science, as inertial confinement fusion experiment or Magnetic confinement fusion for energy, produce very energetics particles that can create nulear fusion reactions. Many of these reactions lead to the creation of very fast neutrons.
Detection of very fast neutrons remains also a challenge for particles accelerators safety diagnostics (beam loss monitor ... ).

We developped a new wide energy neutrons detector able to work in a large gamma background. This concept is based on a very fast electronics associated to a Micromegas detector and a charged to particle converter. The detector can be configurated according to energy spectrum of neutrons, it can sustend very high flux with a good efficency

Primary authors

Philippe Legou (CEA Saclay DRF Irfu) Dr Jean-Eric Ducret (CEA Saclay IRFU) Mr Michel Combet (CEA Saclay IRFU) Mr Pascal Le Bourlout (CEA Saclay IRFU) Mr Olivier Maillard (CEA Saclay IRFU)

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