Part of the experimental program in Hall B of the Jefferson Lab,
Virginia, USA is dedicated to studying neutron structure functions
using deep inelastic scattering on nuclei. For this purpose, the
BONuS12 experiment will detect low momentum recoil protons in
coincidence with scattered electrons. The protons will be detected
by a second-generation Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC)
Abstract— A brief overview will be presented of the performance of Time Projection Chamber (TPC) gas amplification elements that have been utilized and proposed for next generation central tracking detectors, including an option with continuous readout at high luminosity. The presentation will concentrate on issues critical for high rate detector operation, such as the positive ion backflow...
In the context of the ATLAS New Small Wheel upgrade, a new frontend ASIC called VMM is developed. This chip will play a significant role in the readout of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors not only in ATLAS, but also for other projects within the whole MPGD community and in particular for a detector for the macromolecular crystallography instrument NMX foreseen at the European Spallation Source...
GridPix detectors combine the advantages of a high granularity readout based
on a pixel ASIC with a Micromegas gas amplification stage. By producing the
Micromegas with photolithographic postprocessing techniques directly on the
ASIC a very good alignment of grid holes with readout pixels can be
reached. Thus, the charge avalanche started by a single primary electron can be
collected and...