31 May 2017 to 6 June 2017
Jeju Island, South Korea
ROK timezone


Afternoon Session

1 Jun 2017, 17:00
Symphony (1st floor) (Jeju Island, South Korea)

Symphony (1st floor)

Jeju Island, South Korea

<a href="http://global.hiddencliff.kr/front/en_v2/index.asp">Hidden Cliff Hotel and Nature</a>

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
David Shih (Rutgers University)
01/06/2017, 17:00
Yael Shadmi (Technion)
01/06/2017, 18:00
Doojin Kim (CERN)
01/06/2017, 18:30
Scott David Thomas (Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
02/06/2017, 17:30
Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz)
02/06/2017, 18:30
Jure Zupan (University of Cincinnati)
02/06/2017, 19:00
Andrea Wulzer (CERN)
03/06/2017, 17:00
Raffaele Tito Dagnolo (EPFL)
03/06/2017, 18:30
Andrey Katz (CERN)
05/06/2017, 17:00
Tien-Tien Yu (CERN)
05/06/2017, 18:00
Joshua Thomas Ruderman (NYU)
05/06/2017, 18:30
Building timetable...