A steady advancement of measurement techniques to handle large amount of produced particles and to probe new regime of physics is of absolute necessity specifically now and beyond LHC era. Silicon-Tungten sampling calorimeter is one of the most viable option to serve the purposes of high multiplicity environments created in high energy collider experiments. A full-length calorimeter prototype have been developed and fabricated as a successor of a miniature version with 4 layers of detectors. The prototype was constructed using 19-layes of silicon detector arrays (1cm1cm300um on a single wafer) and tungsten absorber/convertor. The test with the prototype has been performed at Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) facility at CERN. Data analysis shows a very good response to both minimum ionizing particle as well as to electromagnetic shower (initiated by electron) for a wide range of incident energy (5 to 60 GeV). A detailed discussion about relevant calorimetric performances like longitudinal profile, incident to measured energy calibration, energy resolution will be reported in the conference.
Presentation type | Oral |