Milan Christmas meeting 2016

from Tuesday 20 December 2016 (08:00) to Thursday 22 December 2016 (18:00)
Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN sez. Milano

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
20 Dec 2016
21 Dec 2016
22 Dec 2016
collaborative work (until 13:00) ()
talks (until 11:15) ()
10:00 A Subleading Operator Basis and Matching for gg → H - Gherardo Vita   ()
10:30 mass effects in b quark associated production - Mr Davide Napoletano (IPPP, Durham University)   ()
11:15 --- coffee break ---
talks (until 13:00) ()
11:45 Beyond Resummation - Marco Bonvini (University of Oxford)   ()
12:15 Combined threshold and transverse momentum resummation for inclusive observables - Claudio Muselli (INFN-Milan Section/University of Milan)   ()
talks (until 11:15) ()
10:00 Tackling differential distributions for Higgs production at higher orders - Simone Lionetti (ETHZ - ETH Zurich)   ()
10:30 Scattering amplitudes over finite fields and multivariate functional reconstruction - Tiziano Peraro Tiziano Peraro (Max Planck Institute for Physics - Munich)   ()
11:15 --- coffee break ---
talks (until 13:00) ()
11:45 Double-Real Corrections at O(alpha alpha_s) to single gauge boson production - Federico Buccioni (University of Zurich)   ()
12:15 Dark matter and relaxion beams at proton fixed target experiments - claudia frugiuele (Carleton University) claudia frugiuele (Fermilab)   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
talks (until 15:45) ()
14:30 Charged Higgs boson
production at the LHC:
closing the mH± ~ mt window - Marco Zaro (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
15:00 Constraining light-quark Yukawa couplings using Higgs distributions - Emanuele Re (LAPTh Annecy)   ()
15:45 --- coffee break ---
talks (until 17:30) ()
16:15 Using the four-dimensional unsubtraction method at NLO - German Sborlini (IFIC-Valencia)   ()
16:45 Selection Algorithms - Zahari Dimitrov Kassabov Zaharieva (University of Turin) Zahari Dimitrov Kassabov Zahari Dimitrov Kassabov Zaharieva (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
talks (until 15:45) ()
14:30 Constraints on the trilinear Higgs coupling from vector boson fusion and associated Higgs production at the LHC - Uli Haisch Giulia Zanderighi (CERN) Ulrich Andreas Haisch (University of Oxford (GB)) Giulia Zanderighi (CERN)   ()
15:00 Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC - Davide Pagani (TUM - Garching bei München)   ()
15:45 --- coffee break ---
talks (until 17:30) ()
16:15 A study on the top quark mass measurement using modern generators - Paolo Nason (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
talks (until 15:45) ()
14:30 Status and perspective for supersymmetry after current LHC runs - Emanuele Angelo Bagnaschi (DESY Hamburg)   ()
15:00 Power corrections in the N-jettiness subtraction scheme - Mr Andrea Isgrò   ()
15:45 --- coffee break, farewell ---
talks (until 17:30) ()
16:15 Resummation for Transverse Observables - Luca Rottoli (University of Oxford) Luca Rottoli   ()
16:45 Towards parton fits with resummation - Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)   ()