20–22 Feb 2017
FBK, Trento
Europe/Zurich timezone

Edgeless planar pixel sensors with ATLAS and CMS designs produced by FBK-CMM

20 Feb 2017, 18:05
Aula Grande (FBK, Trento)

Aula Grande

FBK, Trento

Via Santa Croce, 77 38122 Trento ITALY


Dr Sabina Ronchin (FBK, TIFPA - INFN, Trento, Italy)


In view of the LHC roadmap towards the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), n-on-p silicon technology is a promising candidate to achieve a large area equipped with pixel sensors, since it is radiation hard and cost effective.
The talk reports on the first batch of n-on-p edgeless planar pixel sensors produced by FBK-CMM using an Active Edge technology where the detector edge is made by staggered trenches. The process was performed both on Si-Si and SOI wafers. Several kinds of pixel detectors, e.g., compatible with read-out chips such as FE-I4, PSI46, and RD53A, have been realized on wafers.
In the talk we will present the sensor technology and offer an overview of the first electrical characterization of the devices we have produced.

TRACK Planar Sensors

Primary author

Dr Sabina Ronchin (FBK, TIFPA - INFN, Trento, Italy)


Prof. Alberto Messineo (Universita di Pisa, INFN Pisa) Dr Gabriele Giacomini (Brookhaven National Lab, Instrumentation Division) Prof. Gian-Franco Dalla-Betta (University of Trento, TIFPA - INFN, Trento, Italy) Dr Giovanni Calderini (LPNHE Paris) Dr Giovanni Darbo (INFN Genova) Dr Marco Bomben (LPNHE Paris) Dr Marco Meschini (INFN Firenze) Dr Maurizio Boscardin (FBK, TIFPA - INFN) Dr Nicola Zorzi (FBK, TIFPA - INFN)

Presentation materials