Many challenges in radiotherapy with ions and in space radioprotection are related to the investigation of the same nuclear processes and require similar experimental setups to be tackled. The Theoretical Institute for Fundamental Physics Applications (TIFPA) in Trento, Italy, focuses its research on these two fields and can take advantage of the Trento protontherapy center, where it...
HVCMOS sensors employ depleted diodes as sensor elements. HVCMOS sensors have a high time resolution and a good radiation tolerance. Several large area prototypes have been designed and tested recently. The application of these sensors are particle physics experiments such as Mu3e and ATLAS. Novel electronic blocks such as fast data transmitters, waveform sampling circuits, data reduction...
At present most experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
are planning upgrades in the next 5-10 years for their innermost
tracking layers as well as luminosity monitors to be able to take data
as the luminosity increases and CERN moves toward the High Luminosity-LHC
(HL-LHC). These upgrades will require radiation tolerant technologies up
to a total fluence of ~2x10$^{16}$...
Thin Low Gain Avalanche Detectors suitable for timing applications at LHC were produced along the control samples by CNM and FBK. The effects of radiation on gain were studied after reactor neutron and 200 MeV pion irradiations. A significant decrease of charge was observed after irradiation in line with previous measurements pointing to the decrease of electric field in the multiplication...
The first part of the contribution will be devoted to description of the family of Medipix/ Timepix semiconductor pixel detectors including the corresponding R/O electronics. A short demonstration of capabilities of the devices for high resolution (micrometric and nearly nanometric) radiography and 3D imaging by means of X-rays and neutrons will follow. Also the ability of Timepix pixel...
The ATLAS Pixel detector has been operating since 2010 and consists of hybrid pixel modules where the sensitive elements are planar n-in-n sensors.
In order to investigate and predict the evolution of the depletion voltage and of the leakage current in the different layers, a fully analytical implementation of the Hamburg model was derived. The parameters of the model, describing the...
The silicon-based tracking detector systems in the HL-LHC upgrade will be exposed to highly adverse radiation conditions for more than a decade, without access options for service or repair. It is therefore imperative to understand and predict the long-term evolution of sensor properties, including the signal collection efficiency and the leakage current. In this context, we present a summary...
The ATLAS experiment will undergo around the year 2025 a replacement of the tracker system in view of the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) with a new 5-layer pixel system.
Thin n-in-p planar pixel sensors are promising candidates to instrument the new pixel system, thanks to the reduced contribution to the material budget and their high charge collection efficiency after irradiation....
HEPHY Vienna and Infineon Technologies are working on the establishment of industrial processes for both AC-coupled and DC-coupled large-area n-in-p Si sensors for high energy physics and medical applications. In the talk the present status and the outlook will be presented.
In this report, we present two topics: one is on the n^+-in-p planar pixels sensors with 50x50 or 25x100 um^2 pixels, and the other on the first trial of low-gain avalanche device (LGAD). The 50x50 or 25x100 um^2 pixels are laid out in a pattern of (50x50 or 25x100) + 50x450 um^2 pixels for the 2x (50x250) um^2 pixels of the FE-I4 ASIC. A number of patterns of biasing networks, including...
In view of the LHC upgrade phases towards the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the ATLAS experiment plans to upgrade the Inner Detector with an all-silicon system.
The n-on-p silicon technology is a promising candidate to achieve a large area instrumented with pixel sensors, since it is radiation hard and cost effectiveness.
The paper reports on the performance of 100 $\mu m$ n-in-p planar...
Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) measurements of pad diodes are a standard tool to determine doping profiles and study radiation damage in silicon. Using C-V measurements on pad diodes with different areas we show that guard rings significantly influence the determination of the doping profile and the active diode thickness. Different methods of extracting the doping profile are compared. Correcting...
It has been previously observed that silicon radiation damage depends on the type and energy of the radiation, even after scaling with the hardness factor derived from NIEL (Non-Ionising-Energy-Loss) hypotheses. Nowadays, little is known about the energy dependence of proton-induced bulk defects in silicon sensors.
In this work, 200 $\mu$m silicon pad-diodes were irradiated with protons (with...
In this work, carried out in the framework of APiX2 project funded by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), a pixelated device for the direct detection of charged particles is described and characterization measurements are reported. The working principle of the device is the discrimination between particle-triggered detections and dark counts, obtained with a coincidence circuit...
In view of the LHC roadmap towards the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), n-on-p silicon technology is a promising candidate to achieve a large area equipped with pixel sensors, since it is radiation hard and cost effective.
The talk reports on the first batch of n-on-p edgeless planar pixel sensors produced by FBK-CMM using an Active Edge technology where the detector edge is made by staggered...
During the 2023-2024 shutdown, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded to reach an instantaneous luminosity up to 7×10 cm-2 s-1. This upgrade of the accelerator is called High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The ATLAS and CMS detectors will be replaced to meet the challenges of HL-LHC: an average of 200 pile-up events in every bunch crossing and an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1 over...
The development of 3D Diamond detectors is raising interesting prospects for future Particle Physics experiments due to the increased radiation hardness resulting from a combination of a 3D geometry and the use of an inherently radiation hard material. As well as for medical applications due to the tissue equivalence of diamond.
Test beams have been performed on various 3D Diamond devices to...
We used to measure total doping profile using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS). But to study the effects of irradiation on the pixel silicon we need to know how is the doping profile is changing after the irradiation. This talk addresses the study of the irradiation effects on active doping profile by
developing new promising method call Transfer Linear Method (TLM). The TLM method...
We report on the initial results from a TCAD simulation study aimed at investigating the breakdown voltage and read-out electrode isolation properties of 3D sensors. Both these features can vary significantly with sensor geometry and process details; moreover, after irradiation, they strongly depend on both bulk damage and surface damage, making any prediction based on analytical models...
The vertex- and tracking detectors at the proposed high-energy CLIC electron-positron collider will be based on small-pitch silicon pixel- or strip detectors. The requirements for these detectors include single-point position resolutions of a few microns and time stamping with an accuracy of approximately 10 ns. For the outer tracking region, fully integrated CMOS sensors are under...
The industry standard High Voltage-CMOS (HV-CMOS) technology is emerging as a very attractive option to track particles in planned future high energy physics experiments. Tracker detectors in HV-CMOS technologies combine in the same substrate material a high bias voltage to create a large depleted sensing volume, which enables fast charge collection by drift and high radiation tolerance, and...
In accordance with the High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC), the current Inner Tracker (ID) of the ATLAS detector will be replaced with an all-silicon sub-detector (ITk upgrade) comprising of pixel and micro-strip silicon sensors. A candidate technology for the outer pixel layers of the ITk is a new radiation hard monolithic pixel silicon sensor, based on High Voltage CMOS technology,...
Results of an irradiation study on full scale HV-CMOS demonstrator chips will be presented. Samples were characterised using Edge-TCT and Sr90 measurement methods. With Edge-TCT the depleted depth was estimated for different substrate resistivities and neutron fluences. The study was complemented with measurements of charge deposited by MIPs from a Sr90 source. All measurements were performed...
The upgrade of the ATLAS tracking detector for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider at CERN requires the development of novel radiation hard silicon sensor technologies. Latest developments in CMOS sensor processing offer the possibility of combining high-resitivity substrates with on-chip high-voltage biasing to achieve large depleted active sensor volume. We characterized depleted...
This work presents the progress done in the development of multichannel X-Ray detectors based on Silicon Drift Detectors matrices and related readout ASICs.
SDDs allow to achieve state of the art performances for high-resolution and high-count rate spectroscopy. CUBE preamplifier [1] allows to reach optimal resolution performances even at high count rate i.e. at short pulse processing times....
The 130nm CMOS node is the technology of choice for the design of ASICs for many current state-of-the art vertex detectors and for future trackers at high luminosity experiments. This technology is chosen among other reasons for its radiation hardness. Experience with 130nm ASICs in ongoing experiments shows however that leakage current of NMOS transistors at low doses can lead to a...
Time tagging is becoming a fundamental tool for the future of High Energy Physics, where the high luminosity will introduce hundreds of overlapping events (pile-up) making really tricky to take and analyse data. This is the case of the high luminosity LHC, where the expected number of events per bunch crossing is ~150-200. A possible strategy for pile-up mitigation consists in exploit time...
A first prototype of a readout ASIC in CMOS 65 nm for a pixel detector at High Luminosity LHC is described. The pixel cell area is of 50x50 um2 and the matrix consists of 64x64 pixels. The chip was designed to guarantee high efficiency at extreme data rates for very low signals and with low power consumption. Two different analogue very-front-end designs, one synchronous and one asynchronous,...
Low Gain Avalanche Diode, a novel concept of silicon sensors, are detectors with intrinsic gain due to a thin gain layer implanted underneath the n electrode. In this contribution we will Illustrate several measurements performed in laboratory to understand the characteristic of the gain layer.
Measurements will be showed (leakage current, breakdown voltage, capacitance and doping profile of...
I will present measurements of the timing resolution using the UCSC beta source of several thin LGADs (UFSD):
1. irradiated 50um LGAD with 3 different doping concentrations from CNM;
2. pre-rad 50 and 80 LGAD with 4 different doping concentrations from HPK
In this presentation I will review the results on the gain behaviour of LGAD sensors as a function of several key parameters such as Vbias, Temperature, doping of the gain layer, and irradiation dose.
This review will include results from LGAD manufactured by different foundries using different productions techniques and production parameters.
The experimental results are compared to...
Last measurements of LGAD devices on 50 µm and 70 µm epitaxial wafers will be presented, as well as the effect of neutron irradiation on Gallium diodes.
We will present here the most recent results from the laser and test-beam based characterization of fully functional s-LGADs (n-in-p strip LGAD) and i-LGAD (p-in-p strip LGAD) sensors. Measured current transient shapes were compared against TCAD simulations for a better understanding of the signal formation process, sensor response uniformity, signal amplification and timing features; tracking...
Silicon Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) are a promising technology for high energy physics experiments where high precision segmented timing sensors are required. This can be used for example in the ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) or forward experiments like the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) and CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer (CT-PPS) for pileup removal. LGAD from a...
UFSD are silicon sensors based on the Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD) design and, due to internal gain, exhibit a signal which is a factor of ~ 10 larger than standard silicon detectors.
In this contribution we report on the design, fabrication and performances of the first fully double-sided production of segmented UFSD. The production was carried out at the FBK facility in Trento (Italy),...
Bus Tour to Casa Depero Museum (
Dinner at Locanda D&D (
The talk will report on the INFN ATLAS-CMS joint research activity in collaboration with FBK, which is aiming at the development of new pixel detectors for the LHC Phase-2 upgrades. The talk will cover the main aspects of the research program, starting from the sensor design and fabrication technology, with an outlook on the future steps using both Silicon On Insulator (SOI) and Direct Wafer...
During the 2023-2024 shutdown, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded to reach an instantaneous luminosity up to 7×10 cm-2 s-1. This upgrade of the accelerator is called High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The ATLAS and CMS detectors will be replaced to meet the challenges of HL-LHC: an average of 200 pile-up events in every bunch crossing and an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1 over...
Silicon pixels of area 25x100 and 50x50 square microns, fabricated at CNM using double sided 3D technology on 230 um thick wafers, are characterized using a Sr90 radioactive source and in a pion/proton test beam at the CERN SPS. Results are shown both for non-irradiated sensors and for sensors irradiated with protons at the CERN PS.
The ATLAS experiment will replace the entire inner tracking detector with a completely new silicon-only system. 3D silicon pixel sensors are promising candidates for the innermost layers of the Pixel detector due to their excellent radiation hardness and low power dissipation. 3D pixel sensors with 50x50 and 25x100 µm² pixel pitches have been produced at CNM Barcelona and studied by IFAE. The...
The CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer (CT-PPS) project will add in the next months tracking and timing detectors in Roman pots (RP) positioned on either side of CMS, at about 210 m from the interaction point. CT-PPS allows the measurement of forward leading protons, opening the possibility of detailed studies of diffractive physics and central exclusive production in standard LHC running...
Modern cancer treatments have become increasingly more sophisticated in the past years and therefore require a real-time, reliable radiation dose monitoring system in treatment planning and monitoring, with high spatial resolution. Silicon microdosimeters are excellent candidates as they are small in size and have high spatial resolution. The ease of coupling them to readout electronics makes...
We have measured the pulse height and spatial resolution in 3D detectors
constructed with single-crystal and poly-crystalline CVD diamond. The work
using single-crystal diamond was performed in 2014 and published in 2015[1].
Since our first results we have constructed 3D detectors using poly-crystalline
diamond. Our results indicate that the 3D geometry allowed us for the first
time to collect...
Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) silicon wafers have been successfully employed in sensor applications for high-energy physics, space and medical applications. It is known to have a superior radiation tolerance and robustness compared to Float-Zone (FZ) silicon and better availability. On the other hand, the higher oxygen concentration of the material can lead to the generation of Thermal Donors...
In particle therapy and in particular in scanning beam proton therapy, fast, accurate, and efficient characterization of intensity and energy-modulated beams and patient-specific quality assurance of such beams is a considerable challenge.
Each Intensity Modulates Proton Therapy (IMPT) beam in a treatment may employ thousands of individual pencil beams or “spots” of variable intensities,...
The SHiP experiment (Search for Hidden Particles) is a new general purpose fixed target experiment proposed at the CERN SPS accelerator. A dedicated beam line in the North Area will be aimed at a fixed target station, followed by a magnetic shield to reduce beam induced background. The facility will comprise a compact tau neutrino detector and a detector to search for hidden particles....
The TT-PET Collaboration is developing a fast, low power consumption monolithic silicon detector in SiGe Bi-CMOS VLSI process to realize a Time-Of-Flight PET scanner. The development of picosecond-time-resolution silicon pixel detectors is a challenge that requires a detailed study of the sensor geometry and an accurate choice of the Front-End electronics technology.
A time resolution of...
Hybrid pixel detectors with silicon sensors are a well established technology for X-ray detection in the 5 keV – 20 keV range. With the commissioning of the JUNGFRAU (75 µm cell pitch) and of the first prototypes of the MÖNCH (25 µm cell pitch), the noise performance has been significantly improved, reaching the value of 55 e- ENC for JUNGFRAU and 36 e- ENC for MÖNCH, and therefore opening the...
The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) detector at the CERN LHC collider was designed to address the physics of strongly interacting matter, and in particular the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) using proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions. Even if with this physics goal a lot of important results were already reached, there are still several fundamental...
High energy particle colliders experiments are facing ever more challenging conditions, operating at todays accelerators capable of providing instantaneous luminosities of 1034 cm-2s-1 and above. The high center of mass energy, the large number of simultaneous collision of beam particles in the experiments and the very high repetition rates of the collision events pose huge challenges. They...