Session 11: Technology and Applications (2)
- Cinzia Da Via (University of Manchester (GB))
Hybrid pixel detectors with silicon sensors are a well established technology for X-ray detection in the 5 keV – 20 keV range. With the commissioning of the JUNGFRAU (75 µm cell pitch) and of the first prototypes of the MÖNCH (25 µm cell pitch), the noise performance has been significantly improved, reaching the value of 55 e- ENC for JUNGFRAU and 36 e- ENC for MÖNCH, and therefore opening the...
The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) detector at the CERN LHC collider was designed to address the physics of strongly interacting matter, and in particular the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) using proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions. Even if with this physics goal a lot of important results were already reached, there are still several fundamental...
High energy particle colliders experiments are facing ever more challenging conditions, operating at todays accelerators capable of providing instantaneous luminosities of 1034 cm-2s-1 and above. The high center of mass energy, the large number of simultaneous collision of beam particles in the experiments and the very high repetition rates of the collision events pose huge challenges. They...
With a dedicated Work Package to ultra-light and highly efficient integration of thermal management and support elements for the future silicon detectors, AIDA-2020 has provided the ideal framework for sensible progresses on micro-channel cooling. Through the creation of new synergies and the optimisation of complementary activities, the last 20 months have seen substantial advances in all...