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LHC Theory Initiative Fellows Meeting 2017

from Friday 10 February 2017 (08:55) to Saturday 11 February 2017 (22:00)
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Feb 2017
11 Feb 2017
Plenary (until 10:30) (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
09:00 Welcome - Michael Peskin   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
09:15 The state of the art in LHC event simulation - Stefan Hoeche (SLAC)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
10:00 Jet substructure at high precision - Andrew Larkoski   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
10:30 --- coffee ---
Plenary (until 12:30) (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
11:00 Probing the top quark with di-photon and photon+X production at the LHC - Dr Won Sang Cho (Seoul National University)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
11:30 Precision top quark mass determination at the LHC with jet grooming - Sonny Mantry (University of North Georgia)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
12:00 Confronting jet quenching with jet grooming: jet substructure in heavy ion collisions - Yang-Ting Chien (Harvard University)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
Plenary (until 10:30) (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
09:00 Relaxion from particle production - Gustavo Marques Tavares (Stanford University)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
09:30 Parton distributions for LHC applications - Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
10:00 Vector boson production in joint resummation - Vincent Theeuwes (SUNY, Buffalo)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
10:30 --- coffee ---
Plenary (until 12:30) (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
11:00 New ideas on long-lived superparticles with hadronic decays at the LHC - Zhen Liu (Fermilab)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
11:30 Type-I 2 Higgs doublet model and the 13 TeV tth "excess" - Daniele Alves   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
12:00 Nnaturalness - Tim Cohen (University of Oregon)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
12:30 --- lunch ---
Plenary (until 15:30) (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
13:45 Machine learning for LHC applications - Francesco Rubbo (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
14:30 Machine learning beyond physics from a physicist's perspective - Jon Walsh (UC Berkeley)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
15:00 Software consulting with skills from particle physics - Michael Fickinger   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
15:30 --- coffee ---
Plenary (until 17:45) (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
16:00 Blind spots for neutralino dark matter - Peisi Huang (University of Wisconsin-Madison (US))   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
16:30 Dark matter searches at dark matter "colliders" - Doojin Kim (CERN)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
17:00 Dark Matter Theory: Current status and detection prospects - Kathryn Zurek (LBNL)   (Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48))
18:45 --- Dinner ---