22–27 Feb 2010
Jaipur, India
Europe/Zurich timezone

RAVEN - a Random Access, Visualisation and Exploration Network for the Analysis of Petabyte Sized Data Sets

Not scheduled
Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India
Poster Computing Technology for Physics Research


Markward Britsch (MPI for Nuclear Physics,Heidelberg, Germany)


The analysis and visualisation of the LHC data is a good example of human interaction with petabytes of inhomogenous data. A proposal is presented, addressing both physics analysis and information technology, to develop a novel distributed analysis infrastructure which is scalable to allow real time random access to and interaction with peta-bytes of data. The proposed hardware basis is a network of intelligent "CSR"-units, which combine Computing, data Storage and Routing functionalities. At the software level the project would develop effcient protocols for broadcasting information, data distribution and information collection upon such a network, together with a middleware layer for data processing, client applications for data visualisation and an interface for the management of the system.

Primary authors

Hans Kristian Gudmundson (University of Akureyri, Iceland) Helmut Neukirchen (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland) Markward Britsch (MPI for Nuclear Physics,Heidelberg, Germany) Michael Schmelling (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany) Nicola Whitehead (University of Akureyri, Iceland) Nikolai Gagunashvili (University of Akureyri, Iceland)

Presentation materials

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