Feb 22 – 27, 2010
Jaipur, India
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Program

  • Computing Technology for Physics Research


    Axel Naumann (Axel.Naumann@cern.ch)

    Jerome Lauret (jlauret@bnl.gov)

    Talks by:

    1. Fabrizio Furano Data access in HEP
    2. Deepak Singh Amazon
    3. Kate Keahey Cloud computing
    4. Roman Bartak Data Transfer Optimization - Going Beyond Heuristics
    5. Vijay Saraswat X10 programming language
  • Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools


    Liliana Teodorescu (Liliana.Teodorescu@brunel.ac.uk)

    Thomas Speer (Thomas.Speer@cern.ch)

    Talks by:

    1. Xin Yao Evolutionary Computation
    2. Rudolf Fruhwirth Adaptive track and vertex reconstruction
    3. Alfredo Ferrari Monte Carlo
    4. Piergiorgio Cerello MVA on Grid for Medical Analysis
    5. Eilam Gross Statistics Challenges in HEP
  • Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics


    Peter Uwer (Peter.Uwer@cern.ch)

    Fawzi Boudjema (boudjema@lapp.in2p3.fr)

    Talks by:

    1. Karl Jansens Recent Lattice activities
    2. Daniel Maitre NLM (Les Houches designation for NLO multi-leg)
    3. Alexander Pukhov Codes and automation for dark matter related issues
    4. Fukoko Yuasa Computing issues in HEP