9:00 AM
Student Session
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Simulation and Visualisation Techniques
Matevz Tadel
9:40 AM
Statistical Methods, Multivariate Analysis and Pattern Recognition
- Dr
Liliana Teodorescu
(Brunel University)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:50 AM
Multicore Computing
- Dr
Alfio Lazzaro
(Universita degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Milano)
11:30 AM
Software Development in High Energy Physics: a Critical Look
- Dr
Federico Carminati
12:10 PM
Internet Law: What Students, Professors, and Software Developers Need to Know
- Prof.
Lawrence Pinsky
9:00 AM
Tuesday, 23 February - Plenary Session
(until 12:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Pattern recognition and estimation methods for track and vertex reconstruction
- Dr
Rudolf Frühwirth
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna)
9:40 AM
LHC Cloud Computing with CernVM
- Dr
Ben Segal
10:20 AM
--- Coffe Break ---
10:40 AM
Analysis of medical images: the MAGIC-5 Project
- Dr
Piergiorgio Cerello
9:00 AM
Wednesday, 24 February - Plenary Session
(until 12:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Data access in the High Energy Physics community
- Dr
Fabrizio Furano
(Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
9:40 AM
Statistics challenges in HEP
- Dr
Eilam Gross
(Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Automation of multi-leg one-loop virtual amplitudes
- Dr
Daniel Maitre
(IPPP, Great Britain)
9:00 AM
Thursday, 25 February - Plenary Session
(until 12:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Data Transfer Optimization - Going Beyond Heuristics
- Prof.
Roman Bartak
(Charles University in Prague)
9:40 AM
How to Navigate Next Generation Programming Models for Next Generation Computer Architecture
- Dr
Anwar Ghuloum
(Intel Corporation)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Tools for Dark Matter in Particle Physics and Astrophysics
- Dr
Alexander Pukhov
(Moscow State University, Russia)
11:20 AM
Lattice QCD simulations
- Dr
Karl Jansen
(NIC, DESY, Zeuthen)
9:00 AM
Friday, 26 February - Plenary Session
(until 12:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Scientific Computing with Amazon Web Services
- Dr
Singh Deepak
(Business Development Manager - Amazon EC2)
9:40 AM
Applying CUDA Computing Model To Event Reconstruction Software
- Dr
Mohammad AL-TURANY
10:20 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Application of Many-core Accelerators for Problems in Astronomy and Physics
Naohito Nakasato
(University of Aizu)
11:20 AM
Numerical approach to Feynman diagram calculations: Benefits from new computational capabilities
- Dr
Fukuko YUASA
9:00 AM
ACAT 2010 Summary
(until 12:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Computing Technology for Physics Research Summary
Axel Naumann
9:40 AM
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools Summary
- Dr
Liliana Teodorescu
(Brunel University)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics Summary
Peter Uwer
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
11:20 AM
ACAT 2010 Summary
1:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:30 PM
Afternoon session
(until 8:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Official Openning
3:30 PM
High Tea
4:30 PM
Computing Outside the Box: On Demand Computing & its Impact on Scientific Discovery by Ian FOSTER
Ian Foster
5:30 PM
History of the ROOT System: Conception, Evolution and Experience by Rene BRUN
7:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Tuesday, 23 February - Computing Technology for Physics Research
(until 5:00 PM)
2:00 PM
EU-IndiaGrid2 - Sustainable e-infrastructures across Europe and India
- Dr
Alberto Masoni
(INFN - Cagliari)
2:25 PM
Teaching a Compiler your Coding Rules
Axel Naumann
2:50 PM
Computing at Belle II
Takanori Hara
3:15 PM
BNL Batch and DataCarousel systems at BNL: A tool and UI for efficient access to data on tape with faireshare policies capabilities
- Mr
David YU
3:40 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
2:00 PM
Tuesday, 23 February - Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
(until 5:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Likelihood-based Particle Flow Algorithm at CDF for Accurate Energy Measurement and Identification of Hadronically Decaying Tau Leptons
Andrey Elagin
(Texas A&M University (TAMU))
2:25 PM
Classifying extremely imbalanced data sets
Markward Britsch
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPI)-Unknown-Unknown)
2:50 PM
SFrame - A high-performance ROOT-based framework for HEP analysis
- Dr
Attila Krasznahorkay
(New York University)
3:15 PM
Online Filtering for Radar Detection of Meteors
- Mr
(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
3:40 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:10 PM
Absorbing systematic effects to obtain a better background model in a search for new physics
- Mr
Stephan Horner
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg)
4:35 PM
Analysis of Photoluminescence measurement data from interdiffused Quantum Wells by Real coded Quantum inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
- Mr
Ashish Mani
(Dayalbagh Educational Institute)
2:00 PM
Tuesday, 23 February - Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics
(until 5:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Status of the FORM project
- Dr
Irina Pushkina
2:30 PM
Parallel versions of the symbolic manipulation system FORM
Mikhail Tentyukov
(Karlsruhe University)
3:00 PM
Deterministic numerical box and vertex integrations for one-loop hexagon reductions
- Prof.
Elise de Doncker
(Western Michigan University)
3:30 PM
--- break ---
4:00 PM
Recursive reduction of tensorial one-loop Feynman integrals
Tord Riemann
4:30 PM
Automated Computation of One-loop Scattering Amplitudes
Giovanni Ossola
(New York City College of Technology (CUNY))
5:00 PM
Tuesday, 23 February - Poster Session
(until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Poster session
7:00 PM
Ian Foster - Public Lecture
(until 8:00 PM)
7:00 PM
Ian FOSTER - Public Lecture
Ian Foster
1:30 PM
--- Sightseeing Trip ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Thursday, 25 February - Computing Technology for Physics Research
(until 5:25 PM)
2:00 PM
The ALICE Online Data Quality Monitoring
- Mr
Barthelemy von Haller
2:25 PM
Building Efficient Data Planner for Peta-scale Science
- Mr
(Nuclear Physics Inst., Academy of Sciences)
2:50 PM
Distributed parallel processing analysis framework for Belle II and Hyper Suprime-Cam
- Mr
Sogo Mineo
(University of Tokyo)
3:15 PM
Contextualization in Practice: The Clemson Experience
- Dr
3:40 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:10 PM
Implementation of new WLCG services into the AliEn Computing model of the ALICE experiment before the data taking
Fabrizio Furano
4:35 PM
--- ---
2:00 PM
Thursday, 25 February - Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
(until 5:25 PM)
2:00 PM
ATLAS Second-Level Electron/Jet Neural Discriminator based on Nonlinear Independent Components
- Mr
(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
2:25 PM
High Volume data monitoring with RootSpy
- Dr
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
2:50 PM
mc4qcd: web based analysis and visualization tool for Lattice QCD
- Prof.
Massimo Di Pierro
(DePaul University)
3:15 PM
TMVA - Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis
- Dr
Joerg Stelzer
(DESY, Germany)
3:40 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:10 PM
- Mr
Andrey Lebedev
(GSI, Darmstadt / JINR, Dubna)
4:35 PM
The RooStats project
- Dr
Lorenzo Moneta
Gregory Schott
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5:00 PM
Parallelization of the SIMD Ensemble Kalman Filter for Track Fitting Using Ct
- Dr
Michael D. McCool
(Intel/University of Waterloo)
2:00 PM
Thursday, 25 February - Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics
(until 5:25 PM)
2:00 PM
Calculating one loop multileg processes. A program for the case of $gg\rightarrow t \bar{t}+gg$
- Dr
Theodoros Diakonidis
2:30 PM
The automation of subtraction schemes for next-to-leading order calculations in QCD
- Dr
Rikkert Frederix
(University Zurich)
3:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
3:30 PM
The FeynSystem: FeynArts, FormCalc, LoopTools
Thomas Hahn
(MPI Munich)
4:00 PM
New developments in event generator tuning techniques
- Dr
James Monk
5:30 PM
Thursday, 25 February - Multicore Panel
(until 6:30 PM)
5:30 PM
Multicore Panel
- Dr
Mohammad Al-Turany
Sverre Jarp
Alfio Lazzaro
(Universita degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Milano)
Anwar Ghuloum
(Intel Corporation)
7:30 PM
--- Social Event ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Friday, 26 February - Computing Technology for Physics Research
(until 5:25 PM)
2:00 PM
Tools to use heterogeneous Grid schedulers and storage system
- Dr
Mattia Cinquilli
(INFN, Sezione di Perugia)
2:25 PM
PROOF - Best Practices
- Dr
Fons Rademakers
2:50 PM
Optimizing CMS software to the CPU
- Dr
Peter Elmer
3:15 PM
Optimization of Grid Resources Utilization: QoS-aware client to storage connection in AliEn
- Mr
Costin Grigoras
3:40 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:10 PM
"NoSQL" databases in CMS Data and Workflow Management
Andrew Melo
4:35 PM
--- ---
2:00 PM
Friday, 26 February - Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
(until 5:25 PM)
2:00 PM
Fourier Transforms as a tool for Analysis of Hadron-Hadron Collisions.
- Dr
James William Monk
(Department of Physics and Astronomy - University College London)
2:25 PM
Fast Parallel Ring Recognition Algorithm in the RICH Detector of the CBM Experiment at FAIR
Semen Lebedev
(GSI, Darmstadt / JINR, Dubna)
2:50 PM
WatchMan Project - Computer Aided Software Engineering applied to HEP Analysis Code Building for LHC
Riccardo Maria Bianchi
(Physikalisches Institut-Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg-Unk)
3:40 PM
--- Coffe Break ---
4:10 PM
Parallel approach to online event reconstruction in the CBM experiment
- Dr
Ivan Kisel
(Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionen forschung mbH (GSI)-Unknown-Unknow)
4:35 PM
FATRAS – A Novel Fast Track Simulation Engine for the ATLAS Experiment
Sebastian Fleischmann
(U. Bonn)
5:00 PM
Visual Physics Analysis - Applications in High-Energy- and Astroparticle-Physics
Andreas Hinzmann
(III. Physikalisches Institut A, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
2:00 PM
Friday, 26 February - Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics
(until 5:25 PM)
2:00 PM
IR subtraction schemes
- Dr
Paolo Bolzoni
2:30 PM
Feynman Integral Evaluation by a Sector decomposiTion Approach (FIESTA)
Mikhail Tentyukov
(Karlsruhe University)
3:00 PM
Sector decomposition via computational geometry
- Dr
Toshiaki KANEKO
(KEK, Computing Research Center)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:00 PM
Multiple Polylogarithms and Loop Integrals
Yoshimasa Kurihara
4:30 PM
Two-Loop Fermionic Integrals in Perturbation Theory on a Lattice
- Dr
Roman Rogalyov
5:00 PM
Unstable-particles pair production in modified perturbation theory in NNLO
- Dr
Maksim Nekrasov
(Institute for High Energy Physics)
5:25 PM
Friday, 26 February - Data Management Panel
(until 6:50 PM)
5:30 PM
Data Management Panel
- Dr
Rene Brun
Andrew Hanushevsky
Tony Cass
Beob Kyun Kim
Alberto Pace