22–27 Feb 2010
Jaipur, India
Europe/Zurich timezone

Analysis of medical images: the MAGIC-5 Project

23 Feb 2010, 10:40
Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India
Plenary Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools Tuesday, 23 February - Plenary Session


Dr Piergiorgio Cerello (INFN - TORINO)


The MAGIC-5 Project focuses on the development of analysis algorithms for the automated detection of anomalies in medical images, compatible with the use in a distributed environment. Presently, two main research subjects are being addressed: the detection of nodules in low-dose high-resolution lung computed tomographies and the analysis of brain MRIs for the segmentation and classification of the hyppocampus as an early marker of the Alzheimer's disease. MAGIC-5 started as a spin-off of high energy physics software development and involves a community of developers in constant contact with - some of them also involved in - HEP projects. The most relevant results will be presented and discussed, together with a new model, based on virtual ant colonies, for the segmentation of complex structures. The possible used of such a model in HEP is addressed.


Dr Piergiorgio Cerello (INFN - TORINO)

Presentation materials