22–27 Feb 2010
Jaipur, India
Europe/Zurich timezone

Teaching a Compiler your Coding Rules

23 Feb 2010, 14:25
Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India
Parallel Talk Computing Technology for Physics Research Tuesday, 23 February - Computing Technology for Physics Research


Axel Naumann (CERN)


Most software libraries have coding rules. They are usually checked by a dedicated tool which is closed source, not free, and difficult to configure. With the advent of clang, part of the LLVM compiler project, an open source C++ compiler is in reach that allows coding rules to be checked by a production grade parser through its C++ API. An implementation for ROOT's coding convention will be presented, demonstrating how to interface with clang's representation of source code, and explaining how to define rules.

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