Mikhail Tentyukov
(Karlsruhe University)
Sector decomposition in its practical aspect is a constructive method
used to evaluate Feynman integrals numerically. We present a new
program performing the sector decomposition and integrating the
expression afterwards. Also the program can be used in order to expand
Feynman integrals automatically in limits of momenta and masses with
the use of sector decompositions and Mellin--Barnes representations.
The program is parallelizable on modern multicore computers and even to
multiple computers.
Also we demonstrate some new numerical results for four-loop massless
propagator master integrals.
Primary author
Mikhail Tentyukov
(Karlsruhe University)
Alexander Smirnov
(Scientific Research Computing Center of Moscow State University)
Vladimir Smirnov
(Nuclear Physics Institute of Moscow State University)