Barthelemy von Haller
2/25/10, 2:00 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the detector designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma in Heavy-Ion collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
The online Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) is a critical element of the data acquisition's software chain. It intends to provide shifters with precise and complete information to quickly...
(Nuclear Physics Inst., Academy of Sciences)
2/25/10, 2:25 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
Unprecedented data challenges both in terms of Peta-scale volume and concurrent distributed computing have seen birth with the rise of statistically driven experiments such as the ones represented by the high-energy and nuclear physics community. Distributed computing strategies, heavily relying on the presence of data at the proper place and time, have further raised demands for coordination...
Sogo Mineo
(University of Tokyo)
2/25/10, 2:50 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
The real time data analysis at next generation experiments is a
challenge because of their enormous data rate and size. The Belle II
experiment, the upgraded Belle experiment, requires to manage a
data amount of O(100) times the current Belle data size collected at
more than 30kHz. A sophisticated data analysis is required
for the efficient data reduction in the high level trigger...
2/25/10, 3:15 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
Dynamic virtual organization clusters with user-supplied virtual machines (VMs) have advantages over generic environments. These advantages include the ability for the user to have a priori knowledge of the scientific tools and libraries available to programs executing in the virtualized environment well as the other details of the environment. The user can also perform small-scale testing...
Fabrizio Furano
2/25/10, 4:10 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
By the time of this conference the LHC ALICE experiment at CERN will have collected a significant amount of data. To process the data that will be produced during the life time of the LHC, ALICE has developed over the last years a distributed computing model across more than 90 sites that build on the overall WLCG (World-wide LHC Computing Grid) service. ALICE implements the different Grid...