Alberto Masoni
(INFN - Cagliari)
23/02/2010, 14:00
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
EU-IndiaGrid2 - Sustainable e-infrastructures across Europe and India capitalises on the achievements of the FP6 EU-IndiaGrid project and huge infrastructural developments in India. EU-IndiaGrid2 will act as a bridge across European and Indian e-Infrastructures, leveraging on the expertise obtained by partners during the EU-IndiaGrid project. EU-IndiaGrid2 will further the continuous...
Axel Naumann
23/02/2010, 14:25
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
Most software libraries have coding rules. They are usually checked by a dedicated tool which is closed source, not free, and difficult to configure. With the advent of clang, part of the LLVM compiler project, an open source C++ compiler is in reach that allows coding rules to be checked by a production grade parser through its C++ API. An implementation for ROOT's coding convention will be...
Takanori Hara
23/02/2010, 14:50
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
The Belle II experiment, a next-generation B factory experiment at KEK, is expected to record a two orders of magnitude larger data volume than its predecessor, the Belle experiment. The data size and rate are comparable to or more than the ones of LHC experiments and requires to change the computing model from the Belle way, where basically all computing resources were provided by KEK, to a...
David YU
23/02/2010, 15:15
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
The BNL facility, supporting the RHIC experiments as its Tier0 center and thereafter the Atlas/LHC as a Tier1 center had to address early the issue of efficient access to data stored to Mass Storage. Random use destroys access performance to tape by causing too frequent, high latency and time consuming tape mount and dismount. Coupled with a high job throughput from multiple RHIC experiments,...