Andrey Elagin
(Texas A&M University (TAMU))
23/02/2010, 14:00
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Parallel Talk
We present a new technique for accurate energy measurement of hadronically decaying tau leptons.
The technique was developed and tested at CDF experiment at the Tevatron. The technique employs a
particle flow algorithm complemented with a likelihood-based method for separating contributions of
overlapping energy depositions of spatially close particles. In addition to superior energy...
Markward Britsch
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPI)-Unknown-Unknown)
23/02/2010, 14:25
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Parallel Talk
Imbalanced data sets containing much more background than signal instances are very common in particle physics, and will also be characteristic for the upcoming analyses of LHC data. Following up the work presented at ACAT 2008, we use the multivariate technique presented there (a rule growing algorithm with the meta-methods bagging and instance weighting) on much more imbalanced data sets,...
Attila Krasznahorkay
(New York University)
23/02/2010, 14:50
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Parallel Talk
In a typical offline data analysis in high-energy-physics a large number of
collision events are studied. For each event the reconstruction software of
the experiments stores a large number of measured event properties in
sometimes complex data objects and formats. Usually this huge amount
of initial data is reduced in several analysis steps, selecting a subset of
interesting events and...
(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
23/02/2010, 15:15
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Parallel Talk
The penetration of a meteor on Earth’s atmosphere results on the creation of an ionized trail, able to produce the forward scattering of VHF electromagnetic waves. This fact inspired the RMS (Radio Meteor Scatter) technique, which consists in the meteor detection using passive radar. Considering the characteristic of continuous acquisition inherent to the radar detection technique and the...
Stephan Horner
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg)
23/02/2010, 16:10
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Parallel Talk
This contribution discusses a novel approach to estimate the Standard Model backgrounds based on modifying Monte Carlo predictions within their systematic uncertainties. The improved background model is obtained by altering the original predictions with successively more complex correction functions in signal-free control selections. Statistical tests indicate when sufficient compatibility...
Ashish Mani
(Dayalbagh Educational Institute)
23/02/2010, 16:35
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Parallel Talk
Reliable analysis of any experimental data is always difficult due to the presence of noise and other types of errors. This paper analyzes data obtained from photoluminescence measurement, after the annealing of interdiffused Quantum Well Hetrostructures, by a recently proposed Real coded Quantum inspired Evolutionary Algorithm (RQiEA). The proposed algorithm directly measures interdiffusion...