Mattia Cinquilli
(INFN, Sezione di Perugia)
2/26/10, 2:00 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
The Grid approach provides an uniform access to a set of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources and services, enabling projects that would be impossible without massive computing power. Different storage projects have been developed and a few protocols are being used to interact with them such as GsiFtp and SRM (Storage Resource Manager). Moreover, during last few years different...
Fons Rademakers
2/26/10, 2:25 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
With PROOF, the parallel ROOT Facility, being widely adopted for LHC data analysis, it becomes more and more important to understand the different parameters that can be tuned to make the system perform optimally. In this talk we will describe a number of "best practices" to get the most out of your PROOF system, based on feedback from several pilot setups. We will describe different cluster...
Peter Elmer
2/26/10, 2:50 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
CMS is a large, general-purpose experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) at CERN. For its simulation, triggering, data reconstruction and
analysis needs, CMS collaborators have developed many millions of lines of C++
code, which are used to create applications run in computer centers around
the world. Maximizing the performance and efficiency of the software is highly
desirable in...
Costin Grigoras
2/26/10, 3:15 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
In a World Wide distributed system like the ALICE Environment (AliEn) Grid Services, the closeness of the data to the actual computational infrastructure denotes a substantial difference in terms of resources
utilization efficiency. Applications unaware of the locality of the data or the status of the storage environment can waste network bandwidth in case of slow networks or fail accessing...
Andrew Melo
2/26/10, 4:10 PM
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Parallel Talk
In recent years a new type of database has emerged in the computing landscape. These "NoSQL" databases tend to originate from large internet companies that have to serve simple data structures to millions of customers daily. The databases specialise for certain use cases or data structures and run on commodity hardware, as opposed to large traditional database clusters.
In this paper we...