I will talk about networks within the telescope, the inter-continental network needs, and the work going on in the AENEAS project which is forming a design for the SKA European Science Data Centre. I will also discuss the basic needs and cover areas of possible collaboration with WLCG on networking.
ATLAS networking needs for the experiment and the sites.
CMS Networking Requirements
We will present on the status and plans for WLCG network monitoring and analytics. The goal is to identify missing requirements from the experiments and sites as well as missing effort to deliver on the requirements.
Discussion of network monitoring and diagnosis
To be able to predict the needs of computing and to understand which type of resources contribute to the overall costs, several models have been developed and are in use. Can we build models based on a common approach between the experiments and to what detail do we need to go? Short presentation followed by a discussion.
In our community we often observe a significant latency between the proof of concept of an improvement and the exploitation in production, while we often react to emergencies swiftly. Do we understand the underlying causes and what could be done to benefit more timely from improvements? Short presentation followed by a lively discussion.