8–10 May 2017
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Lepton Flavor Violation in a Simple Left Right model

9 May 2017, 17:45
G-28 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall


Ms Clara Murgui Galvez Clara Murgui Galvez


We propose a simple left-right symmetric model which generates radiative majorana neutrino masses through the Zee mechanism. Its scalar content is composed of the minimal degrees of freedom required for symmetry breaking and mass generation plus a singlet charged higgs which, along with the softly broken left-right symmetry in the yukawa sector, is responsible of the radiative neutrino masses and some lepton flavor violation processes. In this context, neutrino masses are generically light and can give rise to large lepton number violating contributions to rate process such as mu to e gamma or mu to e conversion. We discuss the correlation between the collider constraints and the predictions for such lepton number violating processes, showing the testability of this theory in the near future.

Primary authors

Ms Clara Murgui Galvez Clara Murgui Galvez

Presentation materials