12:45 PM
--- . ---
12:45 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:00 PM
Forum on career development for graduate students
Elizabeth Simmons
(Michigan State University)
(2nd Floor Ballroom)
1:45 PM
--- . ---
2:00 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Top quark pair production cross-section measurements and measurements of ttbar+X with the ATLAS detector
Wei-Ming Yao
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
2:15 PM
Resolving combinatorial ambiguities in the the ttbar like events at the LHC
K.C. Kong
(University of Kansas)
K.C. Kong
Kyoungchul Kong
2:30 PM
Single Top quark production cross-section measurements using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Carl Joseph Edmund Suster
(University of Sydney (AU))
2:45 PM
Probing top-quark width using b jet charge asymmetry
Cen Zhang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
3:00 PM
top quark mass and property measurements at ATLAS experiment
Chengguang Zhu
(Shandong University (CN))
3:15 PM
Constraining new resonant physics with top spin polarisation information
- Mr
Karl Nordstrom
(University of Glasgow)
Karl Nordstrom
(University of Glasgow)
3:30 PM
Probing Top Quark with Diphoton at Hadron Colliders
Dongjin Chway
(Seoul National University)
3:45 PM
Search for new resonances coupling to third generation quarks at CMS
Petar Maksimovic
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
2:00 PM
Cosmology & Astrophysics
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Observational Signatures of Primordial Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence
Tina Kahniashvili
(Carnegie Mellon University )
2:15 PM
Searching for Signals of Merging Primordial Black Hole Binaries
(Johns Hopkins University)
2:30 PM
Planck Constraint on Relic Primordial Black Holes
Steven Clark
(Texas A&M University - College Station)
2:45 PM
Inflationary theory and pulsar timing investigations of primordial black holes and gravitational waves
Nicholas Orlofsky
(University of Michigan)
3:00 PM
Stochastic gravitational waves by Hawking radiation from primordial black holes
Ruifeng Dong
(State University of New York at Buffalo)
3:15 PM
Gravitational Waves from Dark Matter Triggered Electroweak Phase Transition and Higgs Couplings
Huaike Guo
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
3:30 PM
Interacting Dark Sectors: a tale of two components
- Mr
Manuel Buen-Abad
(Boston University)
3:45 PM
Hiding and Finding New Physics in Cosmic Ray Air Showers
Peter Paul Ronald Schichtel
(University of Durham (GB))
2:00 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Probing strongly coupled new physics at the LHC
Da Liu
Da Liu
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
2:15 PM
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Gauge-Higgs Unification Models
Jong Min Yoon
(SLAC / Stanford University)
2:30 PM
Unification and Local Baryon Number
Sebastian Ohmer
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPIK), Heidelberg)
2:45 PM
Yukawa Sector of Minimal SO(10) Unification
Shaikh Saad
(Oklahoma State University)
3:00 PM
The minimal GUT with inflation and dark matter unification
Heng-Yu Chen
(University of Delaware)
Heng-Yu Chen
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Heng-Yu Chen
(University of Delaware)
3:15 PM
The Z2 Breaking in Twin Higgs
- Dr
Jiang-Hao Yu
(UMass Amherst) Dr
Jiang-Hao Yu
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
3:30 PM
Viable Twin Cosmology from Neutrino Mixing
Salvator Lombardo
Salvator Lombardo
(Cornell University)
3:45 PM
Signatures of an $S_3$-Orbifold Higgs Model
- Mr
Keith Thrasher
(College of William and Mary)
2:00 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in bosonic decay channels with the ATLAS detector
Valerio Bortolotto
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK))
2:15 PM
Tools for Higgs boson properties with the JHUGen / MELA framework
Ulascan Sarica
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
2:30 PM
Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in fermionic production and decay modes with the ATLAS detector
Agni Bethani
(University of Manchester)
2:45 PM
Higgs to light jets decay at the LHC
Zhuoni Qian
(University of Pittsburgh)
3:00 PM
Radiative Decays of the Higgs Boson to a Pair of Fermions
Xing Wang
(University of Pittsburgh)
3:15 PM
Searches for HH production with CMS
Roberto Rossin
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
3:30 PM
Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC
Pier Paolo Giardino
3:45 PM
A global view on Higgs self-coupling
Marc Riembau
2:00 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Searches for dark matter at CMS
- Mr
Marco Cipriani
(Sapienza Università di Roma & INFN Roma1)
2:15 PM
Extracting Dark Matter Information at the LHC
Tae Hyun Jung
(Seoul National University)
2:30 PM
Collider phenomenology of simplified Higgs portal Dark Matter models with gauge symmetry
- Dr
Jinmian Li
2:45 PM
Monojet searches for momentum-dependent dark matter interactions
- Dr
dipan sengupta
(Michigan State University)
3:00 PM
Z'-portal right-handed neutrino dark matter in the minimal U(1)_X extended Standard Model
- Dr
Nobuchika Okada
(University of Alabama)
3:15 PM
Probing Dark Matter Properties Using Dilepton Distributions at the LHC
Rodolfo Capdevilla
(University of Notre Dame)
3:30 PM
Searching for Top-philic Dark Matter
- Dr
Anthony DiFranzo
3:45 PM
Simplified model for dark matter
Bakul Agarwal
(Michigan State University)
2:00 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Supersymmetry phenomenology at the LHC
Linda Carpenter
(Ohio State University)
2:30 PM
Searches for supersymmetry in fully hadronic final states with CMS
Nadja Strobbe
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
2:45 PM
Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector
Othmane Rifki
(University of Oklahoma (US))
3:00 PM
Gluino reach and mass extraction at the LHC in radiatively-driven natural SUSY
James Gainer
(University of Hawaii at Manoa) Dr
James Gainer
(University of Hawaii, Honolulu)
3:15 PM
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
Fabrizio Miano
(University of Sussex (GB))
3:30 PM
Searches for third generation squarks with CMS
Zhenbin Wu
(University of Illinois at Chicago (US))
3:45 PM
Modification of Higgs Pair Production by Stops at the LHC and Beyond
Aniket Joglekar
(The University of Chciago)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
BSM Higgs I
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
Enhanced $t \bar{t} h$ and di-Higgs production rates in the two Higgs doublet model
K.S. Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
4:45 PM
Resonant Di-Higgs Production in the $b \bar{b} W^{+} W^{-}$ channel: Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition at the LHC
Tao Huang
(Texas A & M University (US))
5:00 PM
Resonant Double Higgs Production in the Singlet Extended Standard Model at the LHC
Matthew Sullivan
(University of Kansas)
5:15 PM
SMEFT, extended scalar sectors, double Higgs production, and all that
Christopher Murphy
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5:30 PM
Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes and Higgs boson pair production with the ATLAS detector
Jason Robert Veatch
(Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
5:45 PM
Mass Dependence of Higgs Production at Large Transverse Momentum
Hong Zhang
6:00 PM
Probing light-quarks Yukawa couplings & new physics in Higgs + jet(b-jet) studies
jonathan cohen
(technion) Mr
Jonathan Cohen
(Physics Department, Technion-Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel)
6:15 PM
Minimal left-right symmetric model Higgs phenomenology at the LHC for photon initiated processes
Sudip Jana
6:30 PM
4:30 PM
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
Blind Spot for neutralino Dark Matter
Peisi Huang
(Texas A&M University)
4:45 PM
Dark matter in the light squark co-annihilation regime
(University of Michigan)
5:00 PM
Zero-Range Effective Field Theory for Resonant Wino Dark Matter
Evan Johnson
(Ohio State University)
5:15 PM
Capture and decay of electroweak WIMPonium
Pouya Asadi
(New High Energy Theory Center, Rutgers University)
5:30 PM
Saving the MSSM from the Galactic Center Excess
Anja Butter
5:45 PM
Multi-component Dark Matter through a Radiative Higgs Portal
Gopolang Mohlabeng
(University of Kansas)
6:00 PM
A flavon portal to dark matter
Carlos Alvarado
(University of Notre Dame)
6:15 PM
Lines, Boxes, and Energy Duality: Unmasking Dynamical Dark Matter in Indirect-Detection Data
- Prof.
Brooks Thomas
(Lafayette College)
6:30 PM
Dynamical Dark Matter from Strongly-Coupled Dark Sectors
Fei Huang
(University of Arizona)
4:30 PM
Neutrinos & Lepton Flavor I
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
Theory of neutrino mass and lepton flavors
Alexander Stuart
5:00 PM
Flavor gauge models below the Fermi scale
Pedro Machado
5:15 PM
Standard Model Flavor from an SU(2) Symmetry
Jeffrey Berryman
(Northwestern University)
5:30 PM
Colorful Production of Heavy Neutrinos at Hadron Colliders
Richard Ruiz
5:45 PM
Heavy sterile neutrinos and the triple Higgs coupling
- Dr
Cedric Weiland
(IPPP Durham)
6:00 PM
The Search for Electroweak Scale RH Neutrinos and mirror charged leptons through like-sign di-lepton signals
Shreyashi Chakdar
(oklahoma state university) Dr
Shreyashi Chakdar
(University of Virginia)
6:15 PM
Phenomenology of the Higgs sector of Dimension-7 Neutrino Mass Generation Mechanism
Tathagata Ghosh
(Texas A&M University) Dr
Tathagata Ghosh
(Oklahoma State University)
6:30 PM
Construction of lepton mass matrices and TeV-scale phenomenology in the minimal left-right symmetric model
Chang-Hun Lee
(University of Maryland)
Chang-Hun Lee
(University of Maryland)
4:30 PM
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
Searches for electroweak production of SUSY with CMS
Minsuk Kim
(Kyungpook National University (KR))
4:45 PM
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector
Zara Jane Grout
(University of London (GB))
5:00 PM
Exploring stau and multiparticle coannihilation regions and SUSY discovery at LHC run II
- Mr
Amin Aboubrahim
(Northeastern University)
5:15 PM
Searches for supersymmetry in single or opposite-charged dilepton final states with CMS
Basil Schneider
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
5:30 PM
Searching for soft leptons in compressed supersymmetric spectra at the LHC
- Mr
Kebur Fantahun
(Sam Houston State University)
Bharana(Ash) Fernando
Kebur Fantahun
5:45 PM
Searches for supersymmetry in final states with photons in CMS
Menglei Sun
(Carnegie-Mellon University (US))
6:00 PM
Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector
Chihiro Kozakai
(University of Tokyo (JP))
6:15 PM
Direct probes of R-parity violation via single top-squark production at the LHC
- Mr
Eli Regen
(IIT )
6:30 PM
4:30 PM
Dark Sector & ALPs
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
Probing the chirality of dark matter at colliders with dark photon showering
Myeonghun Park
(Institute for basic Science (KR))
4:45 PM
Hidden Valley searches at the LHCb
Yue Zhao
Yue Zhao
Yue Zhao Dr
Yue Zhao
(University of Michigan) Dr
Yue Zhao
(University of Michigan)
5:00 PM
Revisiting Supernova 1987A Constraints on Dark Photons
Jae Hyeok Chang
(YITP, Stony Brook)
5:15 PM
New constaints on SM-anomalous gauge symmetries
Jeff Dror
(Cornell University)
5:30 PM
Surveying the Landscape of Axially-Coupled Dark Forces
Siddharth Mishra Sharma
(Princeton University)
5:45 PM
Astrophysics of Collapsing and Colliding Axion Stars
Joshua Eby
(University of Cincinnati)
6:00 PM
Emission of Photons and Relativistic Axions from Axion Stars
Abhishek Mohapatra
(The Ohio State University)
6:15 PM
Collider Probes of Axion-Like Particles
Andrea Thamm
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
6:30 PM
Self-interacting Vector Dark Matter in the Higgsed-Phase
Corey Kownacki
(University of California, Riverside)
4:30 PM
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
ATLAS Searches for VH and HH Resonances
Mark Oreglia
(University of Chicago (US))
4:45 PM
Search for new resonances decaying into W, Z and H bosons at CMS
Sung Won Lee
(Texas Tech University (US))
5:00 PM
ATLAS Searches for VV/V+gamma Resonances
Chris Malena Delitzsch
(University of Arizona (US))
5:15 PM
Searches for new heavy resonances in final states with leptons, photons, and jets in CMS
Jan-Frederik Schulte
(Purdue University (US))
5:30 PM
Simplified Limits on Resonances at the LHC
Elizabeth Simmons
(Michigan State University)
5:45 PM
Jet Energy Correlations and the Identification of New Light Resonances
R. Sekhar Chivukula
(Michigan State University)
6:00 PM
Leptophobic Spin-2 Resonances at the LHC
Dennis Foren
(Michigan State University)
6:15 PM
NLO corrections to massive vector color octet pair production
Daniel Wiegand
(University of Pittsburgh)
6:30 PM
Using the (Modified) Matrix Element Method to constrain L_mu - L_tau Interactions
Fatemeh Elahi
(University of Notre Dame)