Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Phenomenology 2017 Symposium

from Monday 8 May 2017 (02:00) to Wednesday 10 May 2017 (13:30)
University of Pittsburgh

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
8 May 2017
9 May 2017
10 May 2017
07:45 --- Registration and Breakfast ---
Plenary - Alice Bean (The University of Kansas (US)) (until 10:30) (7th Floor Auditorium)
08:40 Welcome - Adam Leibovich (University of Pittsburgh)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
08:45 SM and Higgs Measurements at LHC - Peter Onyisi (University of Texas (US))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
09:20 Searches for BSM Physics at LHC​ - Jim Hirschauer (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
09:55 Higgs Physics at the LHC - Dieter Zeppenfeld   (7th Floor Auditorium)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary -Prof. Amarjit Soni (Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA) (until 12:45) (7th Floor Auditorium)
11:00 New Developments in MC Tools for New Physics - Benjamin Fuks (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
11:35 Perspective in B Physics Experiments - Ulrich Uwer (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
12:10 Flavor Physics in the LHC Era - Alexander Lenz (IPPP, Durham)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
08:00 --- Breakfast ---
Plenary - Kaladi Babu (Oklahoma State University) (until 10:30) (7th Floor Auditorium)
08:45 Neutrino Physics at the Intensity Frontier - Anne Schukraft (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
09:20 Muons as a Probe of New Physics - Chris Polly   (7th Floor Auditorium)
09:55 Recent Developments in Lattice Gauge Theory - Christoph Lehner   (7th Floor Auditorium)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - R. Sekhar Chivukula (Michigan State University) (until 12:45) (7th Floor Auditorium)
11:00 New Dynamics in the Higgs Sector - Tony Gherghetta (University of Minnesota (US))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
11:35 Physics with International Linear Collider - Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
12:10 Scattering Amplitudes for General Mass and Spin - Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
08:00 --- Breakfast ---
Plenary - Thomas Rizzo (until 10:30) (7th Floor Auditorium)
08:45 Dark Matter Direct Detection - Jianglai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
09:20 New Searches for Light Dark Matter - Peter Graham   (7th Floor Auditorium)
09:55 Cosmological Probes of Particle Physics - Joel Meyers (CITA)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
10:30 --- Symposium Photo & Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Keith Dienes (University of Arizona) (until 12:45) (7th Floor Auditorium)
11:00 Astro-particle physics in the new era - Alexander Friedland (SLAC)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
11:35 Particle Physics Implications of Gravitational Waves - Jose Miguel No Redondo (University of Sussex (GB))   (7th Floor Auditorium)
12:10 Future Perspectives in Particle Physics - Raman Sundrum (University of Maryland)   (7th Floor Auditorium)
12:45 --- . ---
12:45 --- Lunch ---
13:00 Forum on career development for graduate students - Elizabeth Simmons (Michigan State University)   (2nd Floor Ballroom)
13:45 --- . ---
BSM I (until 16:00) (G-28)
14:00 Probing strongly coupled new physics at the LHC - Da Liu (ITP, CAS/EPFL) Da Liu (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (G-28)
14:15 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Gauge-Higgs Unification Models - Jong Min Yoon (SLAC / Stanford University)   (G-28)
14:30 Unification and Local Baryon Number - Sebastian Ohmer (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPIK), Heidelberg)   (G-28)
14:45 Yukawa Sector of Minimal SO(10) Unification - Shaikh Saad (Oklahoma State University)   (G-28)
15:00 The minimal GUT with inflation and dark matter unification - Heng-Yu Chen (University of Delaware) Heng-Yu Chen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Heng-Yu Chen (University of Delaware)   (G-28)
15:15 The Z2 Breaking in Twin Higgs - Dr Jiang-Hao Yu (UMass Amherst) Dr Jiang-Hao Yu (University of Massachusetts Amherst)   (G-28)
15:30 Viable Twin Cosmology from Neutrino Mixing - Salvator Lombardo Salvator Lombardo (Cornell University)   (G-28)
15:45 Signatures of an $S_3$-Orbifold Higgs Model - Mr Keith Thrasher (College of William and Mary)   (G-28)
Cosmology & Astrophysics (until 16:00) (G-27)
14:00 Observational Signatures of Primordial Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence - Tina Kahniashvili (Carnegie Mellon University )   (G-27)
14:15 Searching for Signals of Merging Primordial Black Hole Binaries - ILIAS CHOLIS (Johns Hopkins University)   (G-27)
14:30 Planck Constraint on Relic Primordial Black Holes - Steven Clark (Texas A&M University - College Station)   (G-27)
14:45 Inflationary theory and pulsar timing investigations of primordial black holes and gravitational waves - Nicholas Orlofsky (University of Michigan)   (G-27)
15:00 Stochastic gravitational waves by Hawking radiation from primordial black holes - Ruifeng Dong (State University of New York at Buffalo)   (G-27)
15:15 Gravitational Waves from Dark Matter Triggered Electroweak Phase Transition and Higgs Couplings - Huaike Guo (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (G-27)
15:30 Interacting Dark Sectors: a tale of two components - Mr Manuel Buen-Abad (Boston University)   (G-27)
15:45 Hiding and Finding New Physics in Cosmic Ray Air Showers - Peter Paul Ronald Schichtel (University of Durham (GB))   (G-27)
DM I (until 16:00) (G-30)
14:00 Searches for dark matter at CMS - Mr Marco Cipriani (Sapienza Università di Roma & INFN Roma1)   (G-30)
14:15 Extracting Dark Matter Information at the LHC - Tae Hyun Jung (Seoul National University)   (G-30)
14:30 Collider phenomenology of simplified Higgs portal Dark Matter models with gauge symmetry - Dr Jinmian Li (KIAS)   (G-30)
14:45 Monojet searches for momentum-dependent dark matter interactions - Dr dipan sengupta (Michigan State University)   (G-30)
15:00 Z'-portal right-handed neutrino dark matter in the minimal U(1)_X extended Standard Model - Dr Nobuchika Okada (University of Alabama)   (G-30)
15:15 Probing Dark Matter Properties Using Dilepton Distributions at the LHC - Rodolfo Capdevilla (University of Notre Dame)   (G-30)
15:30 Searching for Top-philic Dark Matter - Dr Anthony DiFranzo (Rutgers)   (G-30)
15:45 Simplified model for dark matter - Bakul Agarwal (Michigan State University)   (G-30)
Higgs (until 16:00) (G-29)
14:00 Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in bosonic decay channels with the ATLAS detector - Valerio Bortolotto (The Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK))   (G-29)
14:15 Tools for Higgs boson properties with the JHUGen / MELA framework - Ulascan Sarica (Johns Hopkins University (US))   (G-29)
14:30 Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in fermionic production and decay modes with the ATLAS detector - Agni Bethani (University of Manchester)   (G-29)
14:45 Higgs to light jets decay at the LHC - Zhuoni Qian (University of Pittsburgh)   (G-29)
15:00 Radiative Decays of the Higgs Boson to a Pair of Fermions - Xing Wang (University of Pittsburgh)   (G-29)
15:15 Searches for HH production with CMS - Roberto Rossin (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (G-29)
15:30 Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC - Pier Paolo Giardino   (G-29)
15:45 A global view on Higgs self-coupling - Marc Riembau (IFAE/DESY)   (G-29)
SUSY I (until 16:00) (G-31)
14:00 Supersymmetry phenomenology at the LHC - Linda Carpenter (Ohio State University)   (G-31)
14:30 Searches for supersymmetry in fully hadronic final states with CMS - Nadja Strobbe (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (G-31)
14:45 Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector - Othmane Rifki (University of Oklahoma (US))   (G-31)
15:00 Gluino reach and mass extraction at the LHC in radiatively-driven natural SUSY - James Gainer (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Dr James Gainer (University of Hawaii, Honolulu)   (G-31)
15:15 Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector - Fabrizio Miano (University of Sussex (GB))   (G-31)
15:30 Searches for third generation squarks with CMS - Zhenbin Wu (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))   (G-31)
15:45 Modification of Higgs Pair Production by Stops at the LHC and Beyond - Aniket Joglekar (The University of Chciago)   (G-31)
Top (until 16:00) (G-26)
14:00 Top quark pair production cross-section measurements and measurements of ttbar+X with the ATLAS detector - Wei-Ming Yao (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (G-26)
14:15 Resolving combinatorial ambiguities in the the ttbar like events at the LHC - K.C. Kong (University of Kansas) K.C. Kong (Fermilab) Kyoungchul Kong   (G-26)
14:30 Single Top quark production cross-section measurements using the ATLAS detector at the LHC - Carl Joseph Edmund Suster (University of Sydney (AU))   (G-26)
14:45 Probing top-quark width using b jet charge asymmetry - Cen Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (G-26)
15:00 top quark mass and property measurements at ATLAS experiment - Chengguang Zhu (Shandong University (CN))   (G-26)
15:15 Constraining new resonant physics with top spin polarisation information - Mr Karl Nordstrom (University of Glasgow) Karl Nordstrom (University of Glasgow)   (G-26)
15:30 Probing Top Quark with Diphoton at Hadron Colliders - Dongjin Chway (Seoul National University)   (G-26)
15:45 Search for new resonances coupling to third generation quarks at CMS - Petar Maksimovic (Johns Hopkins University (US))   (G-26)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
BSM Higgs I (until 18:45) (G-29)
16:30 Enhanced $t \bar{t} h$ and di-Higgs production rates in the two Higgs doublet model - K.S. Babu (Oklahoma State University)   (G-29)
16:45 Resonant Di-Higgs Production in the $b \bar{b} W^{+} W^{-}$ channel: Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition at the LHC - Tao Huang (Texas A & M University (US))   (G-29)
17:00 Resonant Double Higgs Production in the Singlet Extended Standard Model at the LHC - Matthew Sullivan (University of Kansas)   (G-29)
17:15 SMEFT, extended scalar sectors, double Higgs production, and all that - Christopher Murphy (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (G-29)
17:30 Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes and Higgs boson pair production with the ATLAS detector - Jason Robert Veatch (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))   (G-29)
17:45 Mass Dependence of Higgs Production at Large Transverse Momentum - Hong Zhang   (G-29)
18:00 Probing light-quarks Yukawa couplings & new physics in Higgs + jet(b-jet) studies - jonathan cohen (technion) Mr Jonathan Cohen (Physics Department, Technion-Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel)   (G-29)
18:15 Minimal left-right symmetric model Higgs phenomenology at the LHC for photon initiated processes - Sudip Jana (OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY)   (G-29)
18:30 .   (G-29)
BSM II (until 18:45) (G-28)
16:30 ATLAS Searches for VH and HH Resonances - Mark Oreglia (University of Chicago (US))   (G-28)
16:45 Search for new resonances decaying into W, Z and H bosons at CMS - Sung Won Lee (Texas Tech University (US))   (G-28)
17:00 ATLAS Searches for VV/V+gamma Resonances - Chris Malena Delitzsch (University of Arizona (US))   (G-28)
17:15 Searches for new heavy resonances in final states with leptons, photons, and jets in CMS - Jan-Frederik Schulte (Purdue University (US))   (G-28)
17:30 Simplified Limits on Resonances at the LHC - Elizabeth Simmons (Michigan State University)   (G-28)
17:45 Jet Energy Correlations and the Identification of New Light Resonances - R. Sekhar Chivukula (Michigan State University)   (G-28)
18:00 Leptophobic Spin-2 Resonances at the LHC - Dennis Foren (Michigan State University)   (G-28)
18:15 NLO corrections to massive vector color octet pair production - Daniel Wiegand (University of Pittsburgh)   (G-28)
18:30 Using the (Modified) Matrix Element Method to constrain L_mu - L_tau Interactions - Fatemeh Elahi (University of Notre Dame)   (G-28)
DM II (until 18:45) (G-30)
16:30 Blind Spot for neutralino Dark Matter - Peisi Huang (Texas A&M University)   (G-30)
16:45 Dark matter in the light squark co-annihilation regime - UNKNOWN UNKNOWN (University of Michigan)   (G-30)
17:00 Zero-Range Effective Field Theory for Resonant Wino Dark Matter - Evan Johnson (Ohio State University)   (G-30)
17:15 Capture and decay of electroweak WIMPonium - Pouya Asadi (New High Energy Theory Center, Rutgers University)   (G-30)
17:30 Saving the MSSM from the Galactic Center Excess - Anja Butter   (G-30)
17:45 Multi-component Dark Matter through a Radiative Higgs Portal - Gopolang Mohlabeng (University of Kansas)   (G-30)
18:00 A flavon portal to dark matter - Carlos Alvarado (University of Notre Dame)   (G-30)
18:15 Lines, Boxes, and Energy Duality: Unmasking Dynamical Dark Matter in Indirect-Detection Data - Prof. Brooks Thomas (Lafayette College)   (G-30)
18:30 Dynamical Dark Matter from Strongly-Coupled Dark Sectors - Fei Huang (University of Arizona)   (G-30)
Dark Sector & ALPs (until 18:45) (G-27)
16:30 Probing the chirality of dark matter at colliders with dark photon showering - Myeonghun Park (Institute for basic Science (KR))   (G-27)
16:45 Hidden Valley searches at the LHCb - Yue Zhao (Stanford) Yue Zhao (Rutgers) Yue Zhao Dr Yue Zhao (University of Michigan) Dr Yue Zhao (University of Michigan)   (G-27)
17:00 Revisiting Supernova 1987A Constraints on Dark Photons - Jae Hyeok Chang (YITP, Stony Brook)   (G-27)
17:15 New constaints on SM-anomalous gauge symmetries - Jeff Dror (Cornell University)   (G-27)
17:30 Surveying the Landscape of Axially-Coupled Dark Forces - Siddharth Mishra Sharma (Princeton University)   (G-27)
17:45 Astrophysics of Collapsing and Colliding Axion Stars - Joshua Eby (University of Cincinnati)   (G-27)
18:00 Emission of Photons and Relativistic Axions from Axion Stars - Abhishek Mohapatra (The Ohio State University)   (G-27)
18:15 Collider Probes of Axion-Like Particles - Andrea Thamm (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (G-27)
18:30 Self-interacting Vector Dark Matter in the Higgsed-Phase - Corey Kownacki (University of California, Riverside)   (G-27)
Neutrinos & Lepton Flavor I (until 18:45) (G-31)
16:30 Theory of neutrino mass and lepton flavors - Alexander Stuart   (G-31)
17:00 Flavor gauge models below the Fermi scale - Pedro Machado   (G-31)
17:15 Standard Model Flavor from an SU(2) Symmetry - Jeffrey Berryman (Northwestern University)   (G-31)
17:30 Colorful Production of Heavy Neutrinos at Hadron Colliders - Richard Ruiz   (G-31)
17:45 Heavy sterile neutrinos and the triple Higgs coupling - Dr Cedric Weiland (IPPP Durham)   (G-31)
18:00 The Search for Electroweak Scale RH Neutrinos and mirror charged leptons through like-sign di-lepton signals - Shreyashi Chakdar (oklahoma state university) Dr Shreyashi Chakdar (University of Virginia)   (G-31)
18:15 Phenomenology of the Higgs sector of Dimension-7 Neutrino Mass Generation Mechanism - Tathagata Ghosh (Texas A&M University) Dr Tathagata Ghosh (Oklahoma State University)   (G-31)
18:30 Construction of lepton mass matrices and TeV-scale phenomenology in the minimal left-right symmetric model - Chang-Hun Lee (University of Maryland) Chang-Hun Lee (University of Maryland)   (G-31)
SUSY II (until 18:45) (G-26)
16:30 Searches for electroweak production of SUSY with CMS - Minsuk Kim (Kyungpook National University (KR))   (G-26)
16:45 Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector - Zara Jane Grout (University of London (GB))   (G-26)
17:00 Exploring stau and multiparticle coannihilation regions and SUSY discovery at LHC run II - Mr Amin Aboubrahim (Northeastern University)   (G-26)
17:15 Searches for supersymmetry in single or opposite-charged dilepton final states with CMS - Basil Schneider (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (G-26)
17:30 Searching for soft leptons in compressed supersymmetric spectra at the LHC - Mr Kebur Fantahun (Sam Houston State University) Bharana(Ash) Fernando Kebur Fantahun   (G-26)
17:45 Searches for supersymmetry in final states with photons in CMS - Menglei Sun (Carnegie-Mellon University (US))   (G-26)
18:00 Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector - Chihiro Kozakai (University of Tokyo (JP))   (G-26)
18:15 Direct probes of R-parity violation via single top-squark production at the LHC - Mr Eli Regen (IIT )   (G-26)
18:30 .   (G-26)
12:45 --- Lunch ---
BSM Higgs II (until 16:00) (G-29)
14:00 Search for neutral and charged BSM Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS detector - Koji Sato (University of Tsukuba (JP))   (G-29)
14:15 Strong phase in Higgs physics - Zhen Liu (Fermilab)   (G-29)
14:30 Probing BSM physics in Vh production at LHC - Kirtimaan Mohan (Michigan State University)   (G-29)
14:45 ee to httbar as a probe of Higgs CP property - Ya-Juan Zheng Dr Ya-Juan Zheng (Osaka University)   (G-29)
15:00 Searches for light BSM Higgs states with CMS - Sven Dildick (Texas A & M University (US))   (G-29)
15:15 BSM benchmarks for LHC scenarios - Tania Natalie Robens (Michigan State University (US))   (G-29)
15:30 Dark sectors and enhanced $h\to \tau \mu$ transitions - Iftah Galon (University of California, Irvine)   (G-29)
15:45 Flavor Constraints on Flavorful Higgs Bosons - Douglas Tuckler (University of Cincinnati)   (G-29)
BSM III (until 16:00) (G-28)
14:00 Search for Vector-like quarks at CMS - Alice Bean (University of Kansas)   (G-28)
14:15 Search for vector-like quarks at ATLAS - Erich Ward Varnes (University of Arizona (US))   (G-28)
14:30 Probing vector-like quark models with Higgs-boson pair production - Devdatta Majumder (University of Kansas (KU))   (G-28)
14:45 Radiative decays of a singlet scalar boson through vector-like quarks - Prof. Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul-Tech)   (G-28)
15:00 Searches for long-lived particles and other non-conventional signatures in CMS - Geng-Yuan Jeng (University of Maryland (US))   (G-28)
15:15 Model Unspecific Search in CMS - Deborah Duchardt (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (G-28)
15:30 Searching Electroweakly Charged Bound States at The LHC - Rui Zheng (UC Davis)   (G-28)
15:45 Inflection-point U(1)_$X$ Higgs Inflaton - Mr Digesh Raut (University of Alabama)   (G-28)
DM III (until 16:00) (G-30)
14:00 Non-WIMP dark matter - Hai-Bo Yu (University of Michigan)   (G-30)
14:30 Explaining Diverse Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies with Self-Interacting Dark Matter - Tao Ren   (G-30)
14:45 Dark Astronomical Extreme Compact Object (DAECO) and its implications - Dat Duong (University of Virginia)   (G-30)
15:00 Enabling Forbidden Dark Matter - Hongwan Liu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (G-30)
15:15 Non-minimal Dark Sector Phenomenology: Prelude - Doojin Kim (CERN)   (G-30)
15:30 Non-minimal Dark Sector Phenomenology: Dark Matter “Colliders” - Seodong Shin (Yonsei University)   (G-30)
15:45 Non-minimal Dark Sector Phenomenology: Dark Matter "Transporting" Mechanism - Jong-Chul Park   (G-30)
Extra Dimensions & Composite Higgs (until 16:00) (G-27)
14:00 New Results With the Randall-Sundrum Model - Dr Thomas Rizzo (SLAC)   (G-27)
14:15 A Collective Quartic for the Composite Higgs from Warped 6D - Mr Ofri Telem   (G-27)
14:30 Is the Higgs a Composite Dilaton? - Mr James Ingoldby (Yale University)   (G-27)
14:45 From Gauge Theory to Higgs Compositeness Using EFT - Andrew Gasbarro (Yale University)   (G-27)
15:00 Split branes and Flavor Universal Resonances - Sungwoo Hong (University of Maryland-College Park) Mr Sungwoo Hong (University of Maryland) Sungwoo Hong (University of Maryland)   (G-27)
15:15 LHC signals from cascade decays of warped vector bosons - Peizhi Du Peizhi Du (University of Maryland College Park) Peizhi Du (University of Maryland)   (G-27)
15:30 Three-boson signals in a three-brane world - Rashmish K Mishra Rashmish Mishra (University of Maryland) Dr Rashmish Mishra (University of Maryland)   (G-27)
15:45 Kaluza-Klein Towers in the Early Universe: Phase Transitions, Relic Abundances, and Applications to Axion Cosmology - Jeff Kost (University of Arizona)   (G-27)
Heavy Flavor (until 16:00) (G-31)
14:00 NA62 experiment at CERN: status and recent results - Christopher John Parkinson (University of Birmingham)   (G-31)
14:15 Recent results in B-physics with the ATLAS detector - Prof. Soeren Prell (Iowa State University)   (G-31)
14:30 Possible origin(s) of RD(*) flavor anomalies - Prof. Amarjit Soni (Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA) AMARJIT Soni (BNL)   (G-31)
14:45 $D^*$ polarization as a probe to discriminate new physics in $\bar{B} \to D^* \tau \bar{\nu}$ - Prof. Sankagiri Umasankar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)   (G-31)
15:00 Tau properties in B decays from final-state kinematics - Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University)   (G-31)
15:15 On HQET and NRQCD Operators of Dimension 8 and Above - Ayesh Gunawardana (Wayne State University)   (G-31)
15:30 Measurements of Beauty and Charmonium production with the ATLAS detector - Aidan Grummer (University of New Mexico (US)) Mr Aidan Grummer (ATLAS Collaboration)   (G-31)
15:45 Studying the Pc(4450) resonance in J/psi photoproduction off protons - Astrid Hiller Blin (Universidad de Valencia)   (G-31)
QCD & EW (until 16:00) (G-26)
14:00 The proton radius puzzle - Prof. Gil Paz (Wayne State University)   (G-26)
14:15 Probing QCD with Photons and Jets produced in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS Detector - Brigitte Vachon (McGill University, (CA))   (G-26)
14:30 NRQCD Confronts LHCb Data on Quarkonium Production within Jets - Lin Dai (University of Pittsburgh)   (G-26)
14:45 Measurements of the Vector boson production with the ATLAS Detector - Pavel Staroba (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   (G-26)
15:00 Recent Tests of the Standard Model with Multi boson final states at the ATLAS Detector - Maurice Becker (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (G-26)
15:15 Early Estimates of the Impact of W/Z pPb and PbPb LHC Data on nCTEQ15 PDFs - Eric Godat (Southern Methodist University)   (G-26)
15:30 Mapping the QCD radiation spectrum - Keith Pedersen (Illinois Institute of Technology)   (G-26)
15:45 H -> J/Psi + gamma decay rate to relative order v^4 in NRQCD with lightcone resummation - Wai Kin Lai (TUM)   (G-26)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
DM IV (until 18:30) (G-30)
16:30 Detecting Dark Matter via Kinetic Heating of Neutron Stars - Nirmal Raj (Notre Dame)   (G-30)
16:45 Detecting compact dark matter with fast radio bursts - Julian Munoz (Johns Hopkins University)   (G-30)
17:00 Implications of neutrino backgrounds for the direct detection of sub-GeV DM-electron scattering - Mukul Sholapurkar (Stony Brook University)   (G-30)
17:15 An Overview of Neutrino Floor Analysis and Application in the Search for Dark Matter and Coherent Scattering - Mr Derek Johnson (Sam Houston State University)   (G-30)
17:30 Testing Light Dark Matter Coannihilation With Fixed-Target Experiments - Matthew Moschella (Princeton University)   (G-30)
17:45 Boosted Dark Matter at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment - Haider Alhazmi Haider Alhazmi   (G-30)
18:00 The influence of dark energy on the expansion rate of the universe and its effects on dark matter relic abundance - Esteban Jimenez (Texas A&M University)   (G-30)
18:15 The Vev Flip-Flop: Dark Matter Decay between Weak Scale Phase Transitions - Michael Baker (JGU Mainz)   (G-30)
Future Colliders (until 18:30) (G-29)
16:30 Non-resonant Collider Signatures of a Singlet-Driven Electroweak Phase Transition - Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas)   (G-29)
16:45 A Cosmologist’s Perspective on Higgs Factories - Andrew Long (University of Chicago)   (G-29)
17:00 Prospects for measuring the shape of the Higgs potential at a future 100 TeV proton-proton collider with triple-Higgs events - Jeong Han Kim (University of Kansas)   (G-29)
17:15 Electroweak Splitting Functions and High Energy Showering - Junmou Chen (University of Pittsburgh)   (G-29)
17:30 New Physics Implication of Higgs Precision Measurements - Dr WEI SU (university of Arizona)   (G-29)
17:45 Heavy Scalar Search with Associated Production at 14TeV and 100TeV - Li Yingying   (G-29)
18:00 Jet Observables and Stops at 100 TeV Collider - Shing Chau Leung (Brown University)   (G-29)
18:15 Understanding the resolved photon in photon collider - Hengrui Zhan (Illinois Institute of Technology)   (G-29)
Neutrinos and Lepton Flavor II (until 18:30) (G-28)
16:30 Lepton Number Violation and Muon-to-Positron Conversion - Kevin Kelly (Northwestern University)   (G-28)
16:45 Purely flavor-changing $Z^\prime$ bosons and where they might hide - Patrick Foldenauer (ITP, Heidelberg University)   (G-28)
17:00 Lepton flavor violating meson decays - Derek Hazard (Wayne State University)   (G-28)
17:15 Dark Gauge U(1) Symmetry for an Alternative Left-Right Model - Oleg Popov (UC Riverside)   (G-28)
17:30 Surveying the Left-Right Symmetric SO(10) Landscape - Mr Lukas Graf (University College London)   (G-28)
17:45 Lepton Flavor Violation in a Simple Left Right model - Clara Murgui Galvez Ms Clara Murgui Galvez   (G-28)
18:00 A Nu Hope: Probing New Physics at the Neutrino Detectors - Yu-Dai Tsai (Cornell University and Perimeter Institute)   (G-28)
18:15 Long Lived Light Scalars as a Probe of Seesaw - Dr Bhupal Dev (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)   (G-28)
Novel Techniques & Tools (until 18:30) (G-26)
16:30 Optimal Invariant Mass Variables for SUSY-like Missing Energy Events - Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida (US)) Prof. Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida) Prof. Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida)   (G-26)
16:45 Detecting kinematic boundary surfaces in phase space and particle mass measurements - Ms Dipsikha Debnath (University of Florida)   (G-26)
17:00 Particle Mass Measurements from Extreme Event Reconstruction and Focus Points - Prasanth Shyamsundar (University of Florida)   (G-26)
17:15 Better LHC measurements through information geometry - Mr Johann Brehmer (Heidelberg University)   (G-26)
17:30 How to optimize Higgs Measurements using Information Geometry - Felix Kling (University of California, Irvine) Dr Felix Kling (University of California, Irvine)   (G-26)
17:45 A new scale-invariant jet clustering algorithm for the substructure era - Joel Wesley Walker (Texas A & M University (US))   (G-26)
18:00 GAMBIT: The Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool - Tomas Gonzalo (University of Oslo)   (G-26)
18:15 PyR@TE2: new developments - Dr Florian Lyonnet (SMU)   (G-26)
SUSY III (until 18:30) (G-31)
16:30 Aspects of the same-sign diboson signature from wino pair production in natural SUSY at LHC - Dibyashree Sengupta (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma.)   (G-31)
16:45 Imposing LHC constraints on the combined Anomaly and $Z^{\prime}$-Mediation mechanism of Supersymmetry Breaking - Joydeep Roy (Wayne State University)   (G-31)
17:00 LHC phenomenology of supersymmetric models with a $U(1)_R$ baryon number - Kevin Earl (Carleton University)   (G-31)
17:15 Effective Theories of Flavor and the Non-Universal MSSM - Dr Michael Jay Perez (Universitat de Valencia [IFIC/CSIC])   (G-31)
17:30 Covariant diagrams for one-loop matching and SUSY threshold corrections - Zhengkang Zhang (University of Michigan)   (G-31)
17:45 Low-Scale D-term Inflation and the Relaxion - Jason Evans (University of Minnesota)   (G-31)
18:00 Supersymmetry in AdS$_5$ - Andrew Miller (University of Minnesota)   (G-31)
18:15 Little Hierarchy in the minimally specified MSSM - Navin McGinnis (Indiana University)   (G-31)
Theoretical Developments (until 18:30) (G-27)
16:30 Direct Diagonalization of the Field Theory Hamiltonian and Scattering Amplitudes - Dr Neil Christensen (Illinois State University)   (G-27)
16:45 Flowing to the Ising Model with Conformal Truncation - Nikhil Anand (Johns Hopkins)   (G-27)
17:00 Non-Local QED - Desmond Villalba (University of Alabama)   (G-27)
17:15 Not quite a black hole - Dr Jing Ren (University of Toronto)   (G-27)
17:30 Black hole formation in early universe - Anshul Saini   (G-27)
17:45 .   (G-27)
18:45 --- Pheno Banquet ---