8–10 May 2017
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

From Gauge Theory to Higgs Compositeness Using EFT

9 May 2017, 14:45
G-27 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall


Andrew Gasbarro (Yale University)


In recent years, many numerical investigations of confining Yang Mills gauge theories near the edge of the conformal window
have been carried out using lattice gauge theory techniques. These studies have revealed that the spectrum of hadrons in nearly conformal gauge theories differs significantly from the QCD spectrum. In particular, a light singlet scalar appears
in the spectrum which is nearly degenerate with the PNGBs. This state is a viable candidate for a composite Higgs boson. I report on an investigation which uses both numerical lattice calculations and EFT techniques to determine the correct effective description of nearly conformal gauge theories. I assess a conjecture that the low-lying states are decribed by a linear sigma model.



Primary authors

Andrew Gasbarro (Yale University) Lattice Strong Dynamics Collaboration


James Ingoldby (Yale University)

Presentation materials