8–10 May 2017
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Resolving combinatorial ambiguities in the the ttbar like events at the LHC

8 May 2017, 14:15
G-26 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Top


Kyoungchul Kong K.C. Kong (University of Kansas) K.C. Kong (Fermilab)


We investigate various kinematic methods to resolve two fold ambiguities in paring b-quark and lepton in the $t\bar t$-like events at the LHC. We generalize the methods to physics beyond the standard model.

Primary authors

Dipsikha Debnath (University of Florida) Doojin Kim (CERN) Jeong Han Kim (University of Kansas) Kyoungchul Kong Prof. Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida)

Presentation materials