Presentation materials
Measurements of the ultra-rare K --> pi nu nu decays represent a stringent
test of the CKM paradigm, probing short distance scales beyond the reach of
the LHC. The main goal of the NA62 experiment at CERN is the measurement of
the K+ --> pi+ nu nu decay rate at 10% precision; the broader physics
programme includes searches for lepton flavour and lepton number violation
in kaon decays at record...
New and recent results from the ATLAS programme of studies in EW physics with open beauty are presented, which includes studies of CP violation in the Bs sector and of FCNC in Bd and Bs.
FCNC processes are sensitive of NP contributions, in particular through additional electroweak loop amplitudes. The angular analysis of the decay of Bd -> K* mu mu for a number of angular coefficients are...
Three key issues pertaining to the semi-leptonic RD(*) anomalies will be addressed here: 1) How robust are the SM predictions? 2) What are the model-independent collider signature of these anomalies? 3) What are some of the simplest BSM explanations for these?
In answer to 1) latest information from on and off the lattice will be critically examined to question, in particular the reliability...
The confirmation of excess in
The semileptonic decays
Effective field theories such as Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) and Non Relativistic Quantum Chromo-(Electro-) dynamics NRQCD (NRQED) are indispensable tools for controlling the effects of the strong interaction. The increasing experimental precision requires the knowledge of higher dimensional operators. These operators are important to the evaluation of decay rates of the B-meson. We...
A wide programme of studies in heavy flavour production at the LHC is performed with the ATLAS detector, including charm and beauty hadrons, quarkonia production in both sectors, and associated production J/psi + W, J/psi + Z and J/psi + J/psi.
This talk will cover recent results from ATLAS, including the recent result on prompt J/psi + J/psi, measuring the differential cross-section in...
The LHCb has reported the observation of a resonancelike structure, the
In our work, we discuss the feasibility of detecting this structure in
We take into account the experimental resolution effects, and perform a global fit to world...