27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Higher-order corrections for the three-jet rate in electron-positron annihilation using the (anti)-kt algorithm

29 Aug 2017, 17:00


Hard QCD and EW Hard QCD and EW


Zoltán Szőr (University of Debrecen)


We present our next-to-next-to-leading order result performed in the CoLoRFulNNLO subtraction scheme for the three jet rate in electron-positron annihilation into three jets using the exclusive kt clustering algorithm. Results matched with next-to-double logarithmic resummation are also shown compared to OPAL data. In addition we present our predictions using the anti-kt algorithm at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbation theory matched with next-to-double logarithmic resummed prediction for the first time.


Adam Kardos (University of Debrecen) Gabor Somogyi (University of Debrecen (HU)) Zoltán Szőr (University of Debrecen) Zoltan Laszlo Trocsanyi (University of Debrecen (HU))

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