HSE Fellows/Students Seminars (2017)

HSE Students Seminar, 30th March 2017

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie (CERN)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie


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1st Presentation (20') Sabrina Schadegg (HSE-SEE-EN) Title: Status of the Working Group on the Prevention of Pollution by Liquid Chemical Agents (PoLiChem 2) Abstract: Following several environmental incidents that impacted the soil on CERN sites and surrounding watercourses, a dedicated working group on the prevention of pollution by liquid chemical agents was appointed. Initially, an inventory of liquid chemical agents on CERN sites with a risk assessment was conducted. The assessment launched the implementation of action plans within the concerned Departments, combining technical and organizational measures. Currently, the implementation of recommended mitigation measures are followed-up by the working group. 2nd Presentation (20') Francesco Paolo La Torre (HSE-RP-RW) Title: ELICA Pilot Project Abstract: The ELImination of TFA CAbles (ELICA) is a pilot project for the disposal of very-low radioactive (TFA) cable waste stored at the ISR, the current CERN temporary storage for radioactive waste. The goal of the project was to open the disposal pathway towards the French Radioactive Waste Management agency (ANDRA) and to prove that an effective processing of very-low radioactive cables could be set up at the CERN Radioactive Waste Treatment Centre (RWTC). Thanks to the achievement of the project objectives and deliverables, a standard treatment procedure has been implemented for the first time at CERN and an ANDRA dossier for the elimination of 2110 m3 of TFA cable waste for the years 2016-2023 was written and approved by the authorities. This talk will present an overview of the ELICA project with the entire elimination process, including cable sorting criteria, characterization method and processing steps. The main budget items, resources and procedures will be also discussed. Special attention will be given to the lessons learned that shall be taken into account in future projects." 3rd Presentation (20') Fabio Pozzi (HSE-RP-DC) Title: CALLAB, CLEAR and CERF: a wide range radiation protection fellowship Abstract: The presentation will describe the three core projects of my fellowship: 1. The accreditation of the new radiation protection calibration laboratory (CALLAB) according to the ISO 17025 standard as well as the on-going work to complete the commissioning. 2. The CLEAR (Clearance of the LEP Acceleration RF system) project for the characterization and clearance from regulatory control of about 400 tons of the LEP cryomodules in Switzerland. 3. The CERF (CERN-EU high-energy Reference Field) facility and the characterization by means of simulations and measurements of its radiation environment, with a focus on its applications.