19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Electroweak monopoles and the electroweak phase transition

20 Jun 2017, 15:30
Grey Room 1 (IFT)

Grey Room 1


Parallel talk Parallel III


Suntharan Arunasalam (University of Sydney)


We consider an isolated electroweak monopole solution within the Standard Model with a
non-linear Born-Infeld extension of the hypercharge gauge field. Monopole (and dyon) solutions
in such an extension are regular and their masses are predicted to be proportional
to the Born-Infeld mass parameter. We argue that cosmological production of electroweak
monopoles in a narrow mass range may delay the electroweak phase transition and make it more strongly first order while satisfying nucleosynthesis constraints.

Presentation type Parallel talk


Suntharan Arunasalam (University of Sydney) Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)

Presentation materials