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19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Supersymmetry in dynamical M-brane systems

22 Jun 2017, 15:00
Grey Room 2 (IFT )

Grey Room 2


Nicolas Cabrera 13-15 Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid Spain
Parallel talk Parallel II


Dr Kunihito Uzawa (Kwansei Gakuin University)


The supersymmetry arises in certain theories of fermions coupled to gauge fields and gravity in a spacetime of eleven dimensions. The dynamical M-brane backgrounds have mainly been studied for the class of purely bosonic solutions only, but developments involving time-dependent supersymmetric solution have made it clear that one can get more information by asking what happens on dynamical brane systems. In this presentation, we show an exact supersymmetric solution of dynamical M-brane background in the eleven-dimensional supergravity and consider applications to supersymmetric breaking, dynamics of geodesic motion and black hole physics.

Presentation type Parallel talk

Primary authors

Prof. Kengo Maeda (Shibaura Institute of Technology) Dr Kunihito Uzawa (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Presentation materials