19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Inflation with dissipation and metastability

22 Jun 2017, 15:00
Red Room (IFT)

Red Room


Nicolas Cabrera 13-15 Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid Spain
Parallel talk Parallel I


Prof. Alessio Notari (Universitat de Barcelona)


We analyze two models in which primordial inflation has non-standard features. In the first model we study the evolution of a system in which the inflaton is slowed down by dissipation of energy into gauge bosons instead of the usual Hubble friction: in particular we study the conditions of the onset of such a scenario from a static field configuration, its evolution and we mention some features of the treatment of perturbations. In the second model we consider the case of a metastable vacuum which sources exponential inflation and we show that the presence of scalar-tensor gravity can induce a power-law expansion which allows successful tunneling. We also analyze the case in which such a metastable vacuum might be in the Standard Model Higgs potential.

Presentation type Parallel talk


Prof. Alessio Notari (Universitat de Barcelona)

Presentation materials