To cope with increased radiation levels expected at the HL-LHC new approaches are being investigated using monolithic CMOS pixel detectors where readout electronics and depleted charge collection layer are combined. Those devices rely on radiation hard process technology, multiple nested wells, and high resistivity substrates to achieve significant depletion depths. They can be thinned and...
The working conditions at future accelerators will require the capability of taking data at unprecedented intensities and the possibility to distinguish events separated by a few tens of picoseconds will become of utmost importance. To face this challenge, intense R&D programs in silicon sensors are currently being carried on, with the ultimate goal of reaching concurrent excellent position...
We are developing monolithic pixel devices utilizing Lapis 0.20um FD-SOI CMOS process. A couple of issues needed to solve in adopting SOI technology to pixel sensors for high-energy experiments, namely, back-gate effects, noise pick-up and total ionization dose (TID) damage, have been successfully overcome ultimately by use of double-SOI wafers. The application of SOI technology has been...