The new Krion-6T Electron String Ion Source (ESIS) has been recently developed at JINR as a prototype of the ion source for the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility(NICA) project [1]. The recent experiments with the Krion-6T ESIS have been done at considerably new physics conditions in continuation of a recent works of our group on basic studies of “electron strings” and its use for highly charged ion beams production [2] . Production of highly charged ion beams of Ar$^{16+}$, Kr$^{26+}$...Kr$^{30+}$,
Xe$^{30+}$...Xe$^{41+}$, Tm$^{26+}$...Tm$^{51+}$ and Au$^{30+}$...Au$^{32+}$ will be discussed in details. Results of first runs of Krion-6T ESIS on JINR synchrotron “Nuclotron” injection complex will be discussed as well. New opportunities to produce intense carbon ion beams C$^{4+}$ and C$^{6+}$ with use of Krion-6T ESIS for cancer therapy accelerators [3] will be considered shortly.
[1] G. Trubnikov, N. Agapov, O. Brovko, A. Butenko et al., in Proceedings of IPAC2014 (2014), http://epaper.kek.jp/IPAC2014/papers/tupro005.pdf
[2] D. E. Donets, E. E. Donets, T. Honma, K. Noda, A. Yu. Ramzdorf, V. V. Salnikov, V. B. Shutov, and E. D. Donets, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 83, 02A512 (2012).
[3] A. Yu. Boytsov, D. E. Donets, E. D. Donets, E. E. Donets, K. Katagiri, K. Noda, D. O. Ponkin, A. Yu. Ramzdorf, V. V. Salnikov, and V. B. Shutov, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 86, 083308 (2015).