Fundamental processes
Monday 16 October
16:00-16:20 S. Gammino-IFN-"Commissioning of the AISHA (Advanced Ion Source for Hadrontherapy) Ion Source"
Tuesday 17 October
08:30-09:00 M. Wada-DOSHISHA UNIV.-"Plasma-surface interaction in negative hydrogen ion sources"
09:00-09:30 K. Tsumori-NIFS-"Flow patterns of H- ions measured with Directional Photodetachment Langmuir Probe"
09:30-09:50 G.Castro-INFN-LNS-"Plasma diagnostics update and consequences on the upgrade of existing sources"
09:50-10:10 J. Laulainen-JYVASKYLA UNIV.-"Photoelectron Emission Induced by Low Temperature Hydrogen Plasmas"
15:40-16:00 F. Taccogna-CNR-"Particle-based model of plasmadynamics in ITER-prototype negative ion source"
Negative ion sources
Monday 16 October
15:00-15:20 S. Briefli-AUGSBURG-UNIV.-"Experimental benchmark of the EM-PIC-MCC code NINJA and its application for simulating the Linac4 H$^-$ ion source plasma"
15:20-15:40 R. Welton-ORNL-"Status of the New SNS Injector and External Antenna Ion Source"
Wednesday 18 October
15:00-15:20 A. Garcia Sosa-FNAL-"Implementation of Design Changes Towards a More Reliable, Hands-off Magnetron Ion Source"
15:40-16:00 A.Zelenski-BNL-"The RHIC polarized H- ion source"
Radioactive ion beams, charge breeders and polarized beams
Tuesday 17 October
14:00-14:30 R. Vondrasek-ANL-"Charge Breeding of Radioactive Isotopes at the CARIBU Facility"
Beam extraction, transport, and diagnostics
Tuesday 17 October
11:00-11:30 D. Wunderlich-IPP Garching-"Review of PIC modelling for the extraction region of large negative hydrogen ion sources"
11:30-11:50 Y. Belchenko-BINP-"RF driven Multiaperture Surface-Plasma Negative Ion Source: Beam Formation and Transport via the LEBT"
11:50-12:10 E. Sartori-PADOVA UNIV.-"First measurements of beam plasma in NIFS test stand"
Wednesday 18 October
10:10-10:30 S. Ikeda-BNL-"Investigation of laser energy absorption by ablation plasmas"
14:30-15:00 T. Kalvas-JYVASKYLA UNIV.-"New challenges in ion beam extraction modelling"
15:20-15:40 T. Nagatomo-RIKEN-"Residual Gas Effect in LEBT on Transverse Emittance of Multiply-Charged Heavy Ion Beams Extracted from ECR Ion Source"
Production of high intensity ion beams
Wednesday 18 October
08:30-09:00 S. Steinke-LBNL-"Direct laser ionization and acceleration using PW lasers"
09:00-09:30 Y. Zhao-IMP-"Superconducting ECR ion source: from 24-28 GHz SECRAL to 45 GHz FECR"
09:50-10:10 L. Celona-INFN-LNS-"High intensity proton source and LEBT for the European Spallation Source"
Production of highly charged ion beams
Monday 16 October
11:00-11:30 T.Thuillier-CNRS-"Prospect for a multicharged ECR ion source operated at 60 GHz"
11:30-11:50 E. Beebe-BNL-"The Extended EBIS Intensity Upgrade at Brookhaven National Laboratory"
11:50-12:10 E. Donets-JINR-"Status report on development and commissioning of new Electron String Ion Source (ESIS) Krion-6T."
12:10-12:30 D.Xie-LBNL-"Recent Production of Ultra-High Charge State Ion Beams with VENUS"
Wednesday 18 October
14:00-14:30 A. Adonin-GSI-"Progress on the MEVVA source VARIS at GSI"
14:30-15:00 O. Tuske-CEA SACLAY-"Commissioning of the ECR Ion Source of the High Intensity Proton Injector of the Facility for Anti Proton and Ion Research at CEA-Saclay"
Applications and related technologies
Tuesday 17 October
10:10-10:30 J.Guo-IMP-CAS-"45 GHz microwave power transmission and coupling scheme study with superconducting ECR ion source at IMP"
Wednesday 18 October
11:30-11:50 A. Kitagawa-QST-"Status of ion sources at The National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)"
11:50-12:10 T. Stora-CERN-"Ion sources for medical radioisotopes produced by electromagnetic mass separation at CERN-MEDICIS"
12:10-12:30 K. Rittenhouse-PNL-"Industrial Applications of ECR-Based Neutron Generators"
Thursday 19 October
08:30-09:00 A. Pikin-BNL-"Generation of magneto-immersed electron beams"
09:00-09:20 J. van Kan-Physics NUS-"Design optimization of the nano-aperture ion source for proton beam writing applications"
Ion sources for fusion
Monday 16 October
9:10 - 9:30 W. Kraus-IPP-"Deuterium results at ELISE"
9:40 - 10:10 M. Kashiwagi-QST-"Achievement of 1 MeV beam accelerations for
60 s toward high power NBIs"10:10 - 10:30 A. Simonin - CEA -"Ongoing R&D towards a new generation of neutral beam heating systems for future fusion reactors"
Tuesday 17 October
12:10-12:30 K.Ikeda-NIFS-"First Results of Deuterium Beam Operation on Neutral Beam Injectors in the Large Helical Device"
15:00-15:20 U. Fantz-IPP-"Improved Understanding of the Caesium Dynamics in Large H Sources by Combining TDLAS Measurements and Modelling"
15:20-15:40 R. Agnello-EPFL-"The RAID experiment for the investigation of negative ion physics for fusion applications"
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