15–20 Oct 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Simulation of Low-Energy Ion Beam Trajectories from a Thin Wire Mesh Electrode Configuration

18 Oct 2017, 16:30
2h 30m


Centre international de Conférence Genève (CICG). http://www.cicg.ch/
Poster presentation Beam extraction, transport, and diagnostics Poster Session 3


Ms Mc Guillis Kim Ramos (University of the Philippines )


The use of electrode for ion implantation was realized for plasma treatment to achieve dose uniformity and increased ion implantation energy by affecting the trajectory and energy of the ion beam [1]. The effect of the electrode addition was seen from the ion implantation of insulating materials as well as producing low-energy ion beams for material synthesis and surface modification [2]. Electrode configuration as well as electrode to substrate distance also needs to be considered since it highly affects implantation energy, shielding potential, and effective shadowing effect [2,3].

In this paper, a dual-electrode system made from 0.1 mm diameter tungsten wires with 1mm spacing between wires were used as the extraction electrode for ion beam from Argon plasma excited using 0.3mm tungsten filament where a ~90% transparency was realized. Extraction electrode design and the corresponding ion trajectories were simulated using COMSOL. A custom-built retarding potential analyzer (RPA) and Langmuir probe measurements in the region between electrode and sample were also conducted and correlated with the simulated data.


[1] R.C. Powles, D.T.K. Kwok, D.R. McKenzie, M.M.M. Bilek, “Simulation of semitransparent conducting mesh electrode for plasma immersion ion implantation” (2005). Physics of Plasmas 12, 093507.

[2] M.R. Vasquez Jr., S. Tokumura, T. Kasuya, M. Wada, “Plasma Characteristics of single- and dual-electrode ion source systems utilized in low energy ion extraction” (2014). Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 02A717.

[3] Y. Huang, et. al. “Ion Trajectories and shadow effet in mesh-assisted plasma immersion ion implantaion” (2012). Applied Surface Science 258, 2910–2913.


Ms Mc Guillis Kim Ramos (University of the Philippines )


Ms Andrea Gracia Cuevas (University of the Philippines) Magdaleno Jr Vasquez (University of the Philippines)

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