15–20 Oct 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

On the Formation Mechanism of Modified Fullerenes in the Two-Chamber Configuration of the Bio-Nano ECRIS

18 Oct 2017, 16:30
2h 30m


Centre international de Conférence Genève (CICG). http://www.cicg.ch/
Poster presentation Applications and related technologies Poster Session 3


Takashi Uchida (Toyo University)


Recently, we reported the fullerene modification using neutral-neutral or neutral-ion collision reactions in the two-chamber configuration of the Bio-Nano electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) [1]. In our methodology, modified fullerenes can be synthesised in vapor-phase in an ECR plasma, or on a surface of a plasma chamber, and can be characterised by on-line mass spectrometric analysis of the ECRIS beam, or by off-line analyses (e.g. time-of-flight mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, etc.). So far, we have successfully synthesised a modified C70 with iron (Fe) and chlorine (Cl) atoms using two individual plasmas: Fe-Cl plasma and C70 plasma.
In a subsequent experiment, shown in this study, we investigated the ion/electron density distributions in the plasma chamber by using electrostatic probe method. We correlated these results with the off-line synthesised material investigations and also with plasma electron simulations in order to collect more information on the mechanism of the synthesis process.


[1] T. Uchida et. al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02A720.


Takashi Uchida (Toyo University) Richard Racz (Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki)) Tomohiro Kawabata (Toyo Univeristy) Masayuki Muramatsu (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) Dr Atsushi Kitagawa (National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)) Dr Sándor Biri (Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Atomki)) Prof. Yoshikazu Yoshida (Toyo University)

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