At GSI a high current test injector (HOSTI) is in operation since 2009. It has been designed for the experimental investigation of high brilliance low charge states ion beams and for the injection optimization of high current ion beams into the existing and future LINAC.
The ion beam from HOSTI is extracted with a three-electrode system and post-accelerated to match the longitudinal input energy of 2.2 keV/u of the RFQ.
In order to improve the understanding of the effect on the ion beam dynamic of the main components of the post acceleration system, the electric field has been simulated for different configurations. The simulated potential lines have been used to analyze the ion trajectories downstream the extraction system and through the post-acceleration system and the simulated emittances are in very good agreement with the measurement results.
Different settings of ion beam have been investigated and several parameters have been tuned to find the optimized configuration determining the highest brilliance of the extracted ion beam and the results of these particle dynamics simulations are described here.