Considered the lack of research on the negative ion source for NBI application in China, the Hefei utility negative ions test equipment with RF source has been developed at ASIPP. It will work as a satellite for CFETR Neutral Beam Test Facility. The rf power of negative ion source is up to 50 kW. The size of the plasma chamber is 65 cm(L) ×26 cm(W) × 19 cm(H). An enhanced filter field was adpoted by combining the filter magnets and confined magnets. The negative ion accelerator consists of plasma grid, extraction grid and ground grid, which can extracted 120 beamlet in total. The mission of the test equipment is to understand the characteristics of RF operation and negative ion generation and extraction, and to improve the RF efficiency and beam quality. Moreover, it’s a flexible test equipment equipped with kinds of diagnostic techniques. Thus, it can be used to test and compare exciting and new concepts. The first negative ion beam extraction experiments have been carried out. The compositions of the test equipment and the experimental results are presented in this paper.