15–20 Oct 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Neutral Beam Injection System for the C-2W Field Reversed Configuration Experiment

17 Oct 2017, 16:30
2h 30m


Centre international de Conférence Genève (CICG). http://www.cicg.ch/
Poster presentation Ion sources for fusion Poster Session 2


Dr Alexander Dunaevsky (Tri Alpha Energy)


C-2U Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC) experiment proved substantial reduction in turbulence-driven losses via tangential neutral beam injection (NBI) coupled with electrically biased plasma guns at the plasma ends.[1, 2] Highly reproducible FRCs with a significant fast-ion population [3] and total plasma temperature of ~ 1 keV were produced and sustained for times significantly longer (more than 5 ms) than all characteristic plasma decay times without beams. [4]

Last year, the C-2U experimental device underwent a major upgrade in order to to further improve the FRC sustainment and demonstrate the FRC ramp-up. The new C-2W machine is equipped with a new NBI system producing a record total hydrogen beam power of 13+ MW in a 30 ms pulse. The NBI system consists of eight positive-ion based injectors featuring flexible, modular design based on a triode ion optical system with slitted multi-aperture inertially cooled grids and ballistic beam focusing. The cold-cathode arc discharge plasma sources [5] generate up to 180 Amps of extracted ion current.

This presentation provides an overview of the C-2W NBI system, including the design of the injectors, layout of the power supply system, and first experimental results.


[1] M. Tuszewski et. al, Phys. Rev. Lett 108, 255008 (2012).

[2] H.Y. Guo et. al., Nature Comm 6, 6897 (2015).

[3] M.W. Binderbauer et. al., Phys. Plasmas 22, 056110 (2015).

[4] M.W. Binderbauer et. al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1721, 030003-1 –030003-11 (2016).

[5] A.A. Ivanov et. al, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 02C103 (2008).


Dr Alexander Dunaevsky (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Sergey Korepanov (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Artem Smirnov (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Michl Binderbauer (Tri Alpha Energy) Dr Alexander Ivanov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dr Peter Deichuli (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dr Alexei Sorokin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dr Vyacheslav Kolmogorov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Mr Grigory Abdrashitov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Mr Valerian Kapitonov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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