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The innermost tracking detector of the ATLAS experiment consists of planar n-in-n silicon pixel sensors. Closest to the beam pipe lays the insertable b-layer (IBL). Its pixels are arranged in a pitch of $250\,\mu m\,\times\,50\,\mu m$, with a rectangular shaped n-implant.
Based on this design six modified pixel designs have been developed in Dortmund.
The new pixel designs are arranged in...
Results obtained with recent productions of thin n-in-p pixel sensors designed at MPP will be presented. Sensors of 100 and 150 um thickness have been produced at CiS and HLL and were measured before and after interconnection to FE-I4 chips. A modified FE-I4 compatible sensor with a pixel size of 50x250um2 including smaller pixel implants of 50x50um2 was designed to derive prediction on the...
A promising approach for the future ATLAS pixel detector at the HL-LHC is the usage of 3D-silicon sensors for the inner layers and the utilization of commercial CMOS technologies for the sensors of the outer layers.
3D-silicon sensors (FBK, CNM) and planar 200/250 um thick n-in-n sensors (CiS) as used for ATLAS IBL, along with passive CMOS pixel sensors in 150 nm technology (LFoundry) were...
The radiation hardness of 3D pixel sensors with small pixel sizes of 50x50 and 25x100 µm² produced by CNM Barcelona is tested up to HL-LHC fluences. Since a readout chip with the desired pixel size is still under development by the RD53 collaboration, first prototype small-pitch pixel sensors were designed to be matched to the existing ATLAS IBL FE-I4 readout chip for testing. Irradiation...
Silicon pixels of area 25x100 and 50x50 square microns, fabricated at CNM using double sided 3D technology on 230 um thick wafers, are characterized using a Sr90 radioactive source and in a pion/proton test beam at the CERN SPS. Results are shown both for non-irradiated sensors and for sensors irradiated with protons at the CERN PS.
The new generation of 3D pixel sensors with small pixel sizes of 50x50 µm² developed for the HL-LHC upgrade are characterized using a Sr90 radioactive source: the results are shown for non-irradiated and irradiated sensors.
The LHCb VELO detector comprises of 88 silicon sensors, with two designs, one measuring the radial distance from the beam line and the other the azimuthal angle. The necessity to bring the signals for the radial measuring sensors to the edge of the detector requires an additional metal routing line layer. After operating the detector for a couple of years at the LHC effects were seen where the...
The ATLAS Irradiation Facility at the University of Birmingham uses 27 MeV protons from the MC40 cyclotron to irradiate samples for the HL-LHC upgrade. The facility is also a translational access facility within AIDA-2020 and irradiates a wide variety of samples from various experiments. The fluence delivered to the sample is normalised to a 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence for comparison with...
We present our concept of using aluminum oxide deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as field insulator and coupling dielectric in segmented n-in-p silicon detectors. As opposed to the commonly used SiO2, alumina thin films exhibit a significant negative charge, which enables us to omit the critical high-temperature p-spray/p-stop implantation steps. Furthermore, the dielectric constant...
The ATLAS Pixel detector consists of hybrid pixel modules where the sensitive elements are planar n-in-n sensors and has been operating since 2010.
In order to investigate and predict the evolution of the depletion voltage in the different layers, a fully analytical implementation of the Hamburg model was derived. The parameters of the model, describing the dependence of the depletion voltage...
I will present results of Synopsys TCAD simulations of OVERMOS, a MAPS CMOS detector based on high resistivity substrate. Following a short description of the main features of OVERMOS, I will describe experimental results of initial test structures and comparisons with TCAD simulation results, both for standard and neutron irradiated devices. I will then describe a proposed fabrication of test...
It is widely accepted that implantation profiles in the multiplication layer of Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) constitute a critical feature in view of keeping the gain as low as required by high-energy particle timing measurements. One of the most powerful tools we can use to predict the amount of multiplied charges and then the behavior of LGAD, both before and after irradiation, is the...
Low Gain Avalanche detectors (LGAD) are part of family of Avalanche Photodiodes but have only small gain of an order of magnitude. LGAD’s have been shown to have a very fast response time, order of picoseconds, which can make them useful in many applications, including concurrent excellent time and position resolution tracking for particle physics and synchrotron applications. Coupling of LGAD...
The new LGAD batch with Gallium doping is now in its first experimental stages. Using TCAD Sentaurus we explore the increase in radiation hardness that could be achieved.
Edge-TPA measurements on neutron irradiated HVCMOS (CCPDv3, 7e15 neq/cm2) with improved setup and fresh LGADs and pin detectors will be presented. A first attempt to profile doping and electric field from data is envisaged.
The absorption length of near-infrared light in radiation-damaged silicon has to be known to
calculate the deposited charge in irradiated sensors relative to non-irradiated reference sensors.This
is required in order to determine the charge collection efficiency CCE using the transient current
technique TCT. The absorption length has been determined as a function of the wavelength and...
We report on the performance of UFSD (Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors) from two vendors CNM (LGAD thickness 45um) and HPK (LGAD thickness 50 and 80um).
We have measured pre-rad and after neutron fluences of 6e14 and 2e15 n/cm^2 the leakage current, gain, time jitter, time resolution and the value of Landau fluctuations. The pre-rad measurements were performed at three temperatures (+20C, 0C,...
In this contribution we will review the progress towards the development of a novel type of silicon detectors suited for tracking with a picosecond timing resolution, the so called Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors.
Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors are based on the concept of Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes, which are silicon detectors with an internal multiplication mechanism so that they generate a signal...
This talk will report the status of simulations and fabrications of LGAD at CNM.
Deep diffused avalanche photodiodes (APD) are being studied as timing detectors for minimum ionizing particles.
In this talk, the first results and experiences in the operation of these devices are presented.
LGADs have been produced by CNM where Ga replaced B as a dopant in the multiplication layer in order to increase radiation hardness of LGADs. Although the devices exhibited early breakdown before irradiations they were fully functional after neutron irradiation. TCT and charge collection measurements with 90Sr were performed on devices irradiated up to the equivalent fluences of 6e15 cm-2....
TCT and CV/IV measurements were performed on LGADs from CNM Run 7859 irradiated with protons up to 1E14 n$_{eq}$/cm$^2$. These studies were particularly focused on analysing the voltage required to fully deplete the multiplication layer of these sensors. The measurements were performed under different conditions in order to have a better understanding of the electric field inside the devices.
Using 120GeV pions at CERN SPS, the timing resolution and gain performance of heavily irradiated LGAD single pad diodes is evaluated. Samples were irradiated with thermal neutrons at JSI with fluences varying from 1e15 neq/cm2 to 6e15 neq/cm2. Single irradiated PIN samples were also included and presented for comparison. The voltage and temperature dependence of sample performance is presented...
The National Accelerator Center (CNA) is a user’s facility dedicated to multidisciplinary applications of particle accelerators. In this talk, the infrastructure available at CNA for Ion Irradiation and Characterization of Materials, based on a 3 MV tandem accelerator and a compact cyclotron for 18 MeV protons will be briefly described.
In addition, a new proposal in collaboration with IFCA...
We report the results from the latest test beam measurements of LGAD sensors performed at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. Our studies focus on measurements of the signal efficiency, time resolution, as a function of position on the sensor, and performance of pixelated sensors. Additionally, we perform measurements of the signal efficiency and time resolution using irradiated LGAD sensors....
The radiation damage effects in thin (50 and 80 microns) LGADs produced by HPK were investigated. The devices with different doping of multiplication layer were studied after neutron irradiations by TCT and charge collection measurements. The results of these measurements will be presented together with comparison with similar CNM devices.
A 100TeV proton collider is the central aspect of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study. An integral part of the study is the conceptual design of individual detector systems that can exploit the luminosities reaching values of 2x10^35 cm^-2 s^-1. One of the key limitations in detector design arises from an increased number of pile-up events O(1000), which makes tracking and identification...
Results of E-TCT and Sr90 measurements with CMOS detectors produced by different foundries on p-type substrates with different initial resistivities will be presented. With Edge-TCT method the thickness of depleted layer of passive CMOS detectors was estimated and studied as a function of fluence. Collected charge deposited by MIPs from Sr90 source was measured with external amplifier....
Depleted active pixel sensors (DMAPS) are considered for use in outer layers of the upgraded ATLAS pixel detector at HL-LHC. In my talk I will present studies of radiation hardness of a novel low capacitance DMAPS produced by TowerJazz in a 180 nm CMOS process. Charge collection takes place in a high resistivity epitaxial layer, which can be fully depleted even after irradiation. Sensors...
The ATLAS collaboration is studying the possibility to install HV-CMOS devices in the outermost layer of the upgraded pixel detector of the ATLAS ITk for HL-HLC.
For this purpose different technologies are being investigated and different prototypes have already been produced and tested.
IFAE is participating both in design and testing of HV-CMOS devices.
Beam test results of the monolithic...
Due to their capability to integrate the readout electronics on the sensor substrate while providing fast charge collection by drift and high radiation tolerance levels of 10E15 neq/cm2, High Voltage-CMOS (HV-CMOS) detectors are being developed for their use or potential use in particle physics applications such as the Mu3e experiment, the ATLAS ITk upgrade and CLIC. Despite their fast charge...
The standard technique to electrically isolate the $n^+$ implants of segmented silicon sensors fabricated on high-ohmic $p$-type silicon are $p^+$-implants.
Although the knowledge of the $p^+$-implant dose and of the doping profile is highly relevant for the understanding and optimisation of sensors,this information is usually not available from the vendors, and methods to obtain it are highly...
The anneal induced transforms of radiation defects have been studied in n-type and p-type CZ and FZ Si. The samples were irradiated with high energy electrons (6.6 MeV), protons (26 GeV/c) and pions (300 MeV/c) by fluences up to 5×1016 cm−2. In order to identify the prevailing radiation defects and to trace their evolution during thermal treatments, measurements of...
The current-voltage characteristics of pad detectors made on high-resistivity FZ Si wafers and irradiated with 23-MeV protons are compared. The studies were performed using the detectors with the active region material of various properties: N-free, N-rich, and O-rich. The nitrogen was introduced during the growth of FZ Si crystal used for producing the substrate wafers. The oxygen was...
Measurements were made on the depletions voltages of pad diodes of different thickness and resistivity irradiated with protons and neutrons up to 7E15 $n_{eq}/cm^2$.
Two sets of diodes were used.
Epitaxial diodes with a thickness of 50 $\mu$m and different resistivities (10, 50, 250 and 1000 Ohm cm).
Float zone diodes with a resistivity of more than 10 kOhm cm with different thicknesses (100,...
The new NitroStrip p-on-n sensors were fabricated in CNM Barcelona within the RD50 collaboration on 4 different kinds of wafers: FZ, DOFZ, HR FZ Nitrogenated wafer and MCz. Here it will be shown electrical measurements without irradiation for some samples of those strip sensors.