Welcome to NICA days 2017 in Warsaw

from Monday 6 November 2017 (07:55) to Friday 10 November 2017 (23:59)
CZiITT (Conference room...)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
6 Nov 2017
7 Nov 2017
8 Nov 2017
9 Nov 2017
10 Nov 2017
Registration of Participants (until 09:00) (Conference room...)
Welcome - Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 09:20) (Conference room...)
09:00 Opening of the NICA days 2017 conference - Prof. Rajmund Bacewicz (Warsaw University of Technology WUT (PL))   (Conference room...)
09:05 Welcome to NICA 2017 Participants - Prof. Victor Matveev (JINR)   (Conference room...)
09:10 Welcome from the Director of NCBJ-Świerk - Prof. Krzysztof Kurek (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))   (Conference room...)
09:15 Signing of the Addendum to the Framework Agreement between WUT and JINR - Viktor Matveev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Prof. Rajmund Bacewicz (Warsaw University of Technology WUT (PL))   (Conference room...)
Session 1; 6-nov 2017; - Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 11:15) (Conference room...)
09:20 Why are we building NICA? - Prof. Vladimir Kekelidze (JINR)   (Conference room...)
10:00 Vorticity and polarization in baryon-rich matter at NICA - Prof. Alexander Sorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
10:25 Particle physics and heavy-ion physics at JINR, present and prospects - Prof. Richard Lednicky (JINR)   (Conference room...)
11:00 JINR-WUT cooperation in high-energy physics - a personal view - Prof. Jan Marian Pluta (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
11:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2; 6-nov 2017; - Richard Lednicky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia) (until 13:10) (Conference room...)
11:35 Prospects of dilepton measurements at the NICA-MPD - Prof. Tserruya Itzhak (Weizmann Institute of Science)   (Conference room...)
12:20 Our interests in NICA - Prof. Stanislaw Mrowczynski (National Centre of Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
12:50 NCBJ's contribution to the construction of large research infrastructures in Europe - Dr Agnieszka Syntfeld-Kazuch (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
Registration of Participants (until 09:00) (Conference room...)
Session 1; 7-nov 2017; -Prof. Stanisław Mrówczyński (until 11:05) (Conference room...)
09:00 Material studies with positron annihilation spectroscopy - Dr Pawel Horodek (JINR, IFJ PAN)   (Conference room...)
09:25 K* probe of hadron matter created in A+A collisions. - Prof. Yuriy Sinyukov (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)   (Conference room...)
09:55 Towards exascale simulations of quantum superfluids - new prospects for modelling nuclear processes - Prof. Piotr Magierski (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
10:25 Baryon-(anti-)baryon interaction measurement with femtoscopy - Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
10:50 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum in Warsaw and 150th birthday anniversary celebrations MSC2017 “Medicine-Science-Culture” - Prof. Izabela Madura (WUT)   (Conference room...)
11:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2; 7-nov 2017; -Dr Łukasz Graczykowski (until 14:00) (Conference room...)
11:35 Study of Onset of Deconfinement and Search for Critical Point by NA61/SHINE - Prof. Marek Gazdzicki (CERN)   (Conference room...)
12:20 $\alpha$ clusters in ultra-relativistic light-ion + Pb collisions - Maciej Rybczynski (Jan Kochanowski University (PL))   (Conference room...)
12:45 Development of GEM-based detector system for plasma diagnostics application - Dr Maryna Chernyshova (IPPLM)   (Conference room...)
13:00 Performance evaluation of developed GEM-based X-Ray diagnostic system - Pawel Linczuk (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
13:20 Recent Results and future programs from STAR Experiment - Zhangbu Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Conference room...)
Registration of Participants (until 09:00) (Conference room...)
Session 1; 8-nov 2017; - Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 11:00) (Conference room...)
09:00 Modification of carbon (nano)materials by swift heavy ions - Andrzej Olejniczak (JINR)   (Conference room...)
09:20 High-Energy Ion Irradiation in Material Science at Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions on the example of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes - Mrs Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions)   (Conference room...)
09:40 Mathematical modeling of experiments at the Nuclotron. - Dr Aleksander Polański (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
09:55 New Results on Baryon and Meson Production at SPS Energies - Dr Nikolaos Davis (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (Conference room...)
10:20 Control and readout electronics of the time-of-flight system of the MPD - Alexandr Dmitriev (JINR)   (Conference room...)
10:40 Event reconstruction in the inner tracking system of the BM@N experiment - Sergey Merts   (Conference room...)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2(V); 8-Nov 2017; Visit to NCBJ (until 15:00) (Conference room...)
11:00 Visit to National Center for Nuclear Research, Świerk - Agnieszka Syntfeld-Kazuch (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
Session 2; 8-Nov 2017; -Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 14:00) (Conference room...)
Registration of Participants (until 09:00) (Conference room...)
Session 1; 9-nov 2017; - Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions) (until 11:10) (Conference room...)
09:00 The STAR group at the Warsaw University of Technology: Research activities in the context of the NICA project - Daniel Kikola   (Conference room...)
09:15 Adaptation of the THERMINATOR model to BES program - Dr Hanna Zbroszczyk (WUT)   (Conference room...)
09:40 Perspectives of Model Predictive Control in high energy physics experiments - Prof. Maciej Ławryńczuk (Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
10:25 Perspectives of DCS and SCADA systems in high energy physics experiments. - Dr Sebastian Plamowski (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
11:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2; 9-nov 2017; - Andrzej Olejniczak (JINR) (until 14:00) (Conference room...)
11:45 R & M Technologies - Mr Andrzej Zagójski (R&M)   (Conference room...)
12:30 National Instruments Technologies... - Mr Maciej Antonik (NAtional Instruments)   (Conference room...)
13:15 Swagelok Technologies - Mr Mazurkiewicz Marcin (Swagelok)   (Conference room...)
08:30 --- Reception ---
Session 1; 10-nov 2017; - Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 11:10) (Conference room...)
09:00 Positron annihilation studies of aluminum exposed to sandblasting - Mr Mariusz Wtulich (Gdańsk University of Technology, JINR) Mr Paweł Jagoda (AGH UST, JINR )   (Conference room...)
09:10 Testing THESEUS model for femtoscopy in NICA. - Gabriela Pokropska Piotr Kopaczewski   (Conference room...)
09:20 The design brief of the Slow Control System for TOF-MPD - Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
09:30 Three-phase power network analyzer n-43 for PXIe NI for Slow Control System of MPD-NICA - Tomasz Kowalski Barbara Kędzierska (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
09:40 Inteligent Power Distributor for Slow Control System - Tomasz Zalewski (Warsaw University of Technology) Klaudia Zardzewiala (Politechnika Warszawska) Aleksandra Fliszkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
10:00 Electric power distribution system – RACK’s power supply - Patryk Okoński   (Conference room...)
10:10 Building the electronic combination lock - Ms Aleksandra Bedełek (Politechnika Warszawska) Mr Aleksander Kubań   (Conference room...)
10:20 Control panels for high voltage power supply and RACKs' cooling system - Radosław Gryta   (Conference room...)
10:30 Detection of danger and automatic fire extinguishing in RACK cabinets - Radosław Krzosa (Warsaw University of Technology) Szymon Rowiński (Politechnika Warszawska) Agnieszka Domalewska (Gdańsk University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
10:40 Distrubution electric energy to control RACK’s power supply - Adrian Krężel (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
10:50 Remote toggle on off of Slow Control System cabinet racks at NICA complex ∗ - Filip Protoklitow Ashima Vashistha Jan Wójcik   (Conference room...)
11:00 Slow Control System - attempt to integrate - Przemysław Wilczyński   (Conference room...)
11:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2; 10-nov 2017; -Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 14:00) (Conference room...)
11:40 Improving the cooling system of RACK by romote control of an air circulation - Agnieszka Borucka Gabriela Moryc (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology) Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology) Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)   (Conference room...)
12:00 System of temperature regulation and stabilization for the MPD-TOF detector - Tomasz Lehmann   (Conference room...)
12:10 Temperature measurement system for electronic devices based on the PXI configuration for the Slow Control system - Mr Adam Kwaśnik   (Conference room...)
12:30 Study of energy emitted from the detector by measuring its temperature - Mr Paweł Antkowiak (Wydział inżynierii Chemicznej i Procesowej Politechniki Warszaw) Ms Izabela Dusza (Warsaw University of Technology) Mr Paweł Rybak (Politechnika Warszawska)   (Conference room...)
12:40 Magnetic field measurement system and stability test of the magnetic field in the main magnet in BM@N experiment. - Konrad Krawczyk   (Conference room...)
13:00 Ground quality measurements system - Dzmitry Kuksik (WUT)   (Conference room...)
13:10 Usage of CompactRIO for GasMonitoringSystem - Mr Rafal Koguciuk   (Conference room...)
13:20 Chosen components of the SlowControl system - Mr Maciej Paluch   (Conference room...)
13:30 Compact RIO cassette in Slow Control system - Mr Maciej Grudziąż   (Conference room...)
13:40 Multiplexer used for measuring temperatures in a TOF detector - Adam Kubiela (University of Warsaw)   (Conference room...)
13:50 Radiation monitoring system for NICA Slow Control electronic equipment - Mr Arkadiusz Chłopik (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
Special Event: Signing of the Consortium Agreement "NICA-PL" (until 14:00) (Senate Hall)
14:00 --- Lunch ---
Session 2; 6-nov 2017; (until 17:00) (Conference room...)
Session 3; 6-nov 2017; (until 22:00) ()
17:00 Sightseeing Queen Marysienka Palace in Wilanow, Warsaw - Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Palace in Wilanow)
18:00 A walk in the gardens of Queen Marysienki ... - Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Wilanów)
18:40 Welcome Old-Polish dinner - Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Villa Intrata)
14:00 --- Lunch ---
Welcome (until 15:15) (Mała Aula)
Session 4; 7-nov 2017; (until 17:15) (Conference room...)
15:15 The Future of Pharmaceutical Treatment of Disease - Prof. Jerry L. Atwood (University of Missouri at Columbia)   (Small Hall (Mała Aula))
15:55 What motivation could encourage a young girl to become a scientist? - Prof. Nicole J. Moreau (Member of the Executive Committee of ICSU, Member of the French Committee of International Scientific Unions (COFUSI), Member of the Board of the French Chemical Society)   (Small Hall (Mała Aula))
16:35 Island of Super Heavy Elements - Prof. Yurij Oganessjan (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation)   (Small Hall (Mała Aula))
17:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 5; 7-nov 2017; (until 19:30) ()
17:45 From Maria Skłodowska-Curie to next generation environmental friendly antibiotics - Prof. Ada Yonath (Weizmann.ac.il)   (Small Hall (Mała Aula) )
18:25 The importance of science and scientists for the society - panel discussion - Prof. Krzysztof Meissner (University Warsaw )   ()
14:00 --- Lunch ---
Session 3; 8-nov 2017; -Dr Paweł Horodek (until 18:35) (Conference room...)
15:00 Assigning quality labels in the high-energy physics experiment ALICE using machine learning algorithms - Dr Tomasz Trzcinski for the ALICE collaboration (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
15:15 Time-of-Flight Identification System of the MPD and BM@N Experiments - Vadim Babkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
15:35 Particle identification (PID) and prospects for the study of event-by-event fluctuations in MPD - Mr Alexander Mudrokh (JINR)   (Conference room...)
15:50 Study of the MPD detector performance in p+p collisions at NICA - Katherin Shtejer (JINR)   (Conference room...)
16:05 Non-identical particle femtoscopy in STAR - Mr Paweł Szymański (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
16:20 On the soft X-Ray diagnostic system for WEST tokamak - Rafal Dominik Krawczyk (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
16:45 --- Coffee Break ---
17:05 Reconstruction of Hypernuclei at NICA/MPD: a Feasibility Study - Mariya Ilieva (JINR)   (Conference room...)
17:20 BM@N slow control system: background, status and plans - Dmitry Egorov (JINR)   (Conference room...)
17:50 DAQ system for the Silicon Tracking System of the BM@N experiment - Mr Vladimir Sidorenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
18:05 Femtoscopic measurements at MPD - Daniel Wielanek (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
18:20 Measurements of angular correlation function in the STAR BES data - Andrzej Lipiec (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
14:00 --- Lunch ---
Session 3; 9-nov 2017 - Vadim Babkin (JINR) (until 18:00) (Conference room...)
15:00 High-speed concentration of sorted data streams for HEP experiments - Marek Guminski   (Conference room...)
15:15 Examination of heavy-ion collisions using EPOS model - Maria Stefaniak (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
15:35 Femtoscopic measurements in the frame of theoretical models. - Diana Pawłowska   (Conference room...)
15:50 Timing optimisation in Overlap Muon Track Finder firmware - Adrian Pawel Byszuk (University of Warsaw (PL))   (Conference room...)
16:10 --- Coffee Break ---
16:25 NA61/SHINE facility at CERN SPS - Piotr Podlaski (University of Warsaw (PL))   (Conference room...)
16:40 Correlations in ALICE - Malgorzata Anna Janik (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
17:05 Proton femtoscopy - Sebastian Siejka (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
17:20 Gas system for Time-of-Flight detector in the MPD experiment - Mr Daniel Dąbrowski (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
17:40 Monte Carlo studies of the GEM acceptance and Developing of the Trigger System at BM@N - Ms Karolina Kmiec (Warsaw University of Techology)   (Conference room...)
Welcome (until 18:15) ()
Session 3; 9-nov 2017; (until 20:00) ()
18:15 Memories of Mary - Prof. Helene Langevin-Joliot   ()
18:45 Maria Skłodowska-Curie   (Small Hall (Mała Aula))
19:10 Looking for the elixir of life - Prof. Benedykt Konowalski (Warsaw Chamber Orchestra)   ()
20:00 --- MCS Gala Dinner ---
14:00 --- Lunch ---
Session 3; 10-nov 2017; -Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 17:15) (Conference room...)
15:15 High energy neutron flux density measurements in ADS systems. - Błażej Głowacki (Poznan University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
15:25 Transmutation measurements in accelerator-driven subcritical sets - the use of threshold nuclear reaction for determining the fast neutron flux density - Aleksandra Jaskulak Tomasz Hanusek   (Conference room...)
15:35 Brief introduction to error analysis - Daniel Henryk Wielanek (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
15:45 Gas system control for ToF detector. - Zuzanna Treichel   (Conference room...)
15:55 Carbon based resistance temperature detectors. Properties and Calibration. - Kamil Kozłowski (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
16:05 Two-section HTS electromagnet in laboratory research. - Krzysztof Malinowski (Politechnika Lubelska)   (Conference room...)
16:15 Noise testing and design of NIR radiation detector using PbS photoresistor - Karol Bolek (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
16:25 Preparation the system for visualization radon concentration measurements in buildings of Warsaw University of Technology. - Mr Damian Prochaska Bartłomiej Kliś (Warsaw University of Technology, CAMAC science club) Karol Bolek (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)
16:35 Science Club CAMAC - history and activity. Recruitment meeting. - Karol Bolek (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Conference room...)