19–23 Feb 2018
Other Institutes
America/Mexico_City timezone

R&D results of iRPC tested at GIF++ for CMS Phase II upgrade

21 Feb 2018, 11:00
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco State, MEXICO Organized by Universidad Iberoamericana, UNAM, BUAP & CINVESTAV


Jae Hoon Lim (Korea University (KR))


In the future Phase-2 LHC runs, LHC instantaneous luminosity will reach a maximum value of 7×10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 and the CMS muon system will be extended up to η (pseudo rapidity) region of 2.4 where the expected maximum particle rate is 600 Hz cm^-2. In view of the expected background conditions, we have studied high-sensitive thin phenolics double-gap RPC models to improve the rate capability in the past few years. The improved Resistive Plate Chambers (iRPCs) has been studied with cosmic muons and with 100-GeV SPS H4 muon beams at CERN at the new Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++). The performance of iRPC was tested with a maximum gamma rate of about 4 kHz cm^-2 by using dedicated algorithm for clustering and tracking and fairly satisfies the operational condition required in the future Phase-2 LHC.

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