Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

8–9 Jan 2018
Other Institutes
Europe/Ljubljana timezone


The workshop will take place in the main lecture room of the Jozef Stefan Institute.


Wireless network: use your Eduroam account  or connect to SSID: guest Password: will be provided offline.

How to Reach the Venue

Walking: It is a 20-30 minute walk from the city center (Prešeren Square) to the Jožef Stefan Inititute.

City bus: Bus number 1 stops next to the side entrance to the Institute (bus stop name Jadranska). See the complete map of bus routes. Note that you need the Urbana card to use the bus. You can purchase the card (2 EUR card + 1.20 EUR / 90 min ride) at ticket vending machines and newspaper kiosks on major bus stops. Bus routes are also integrated into directions by Google Maps

Taxi (Metro) is relatively cheap in Ljubljana, around 80c/km with ~2 EUR starting fee if ordered within the city limits (almost always the case). As the city is relatively small it won't cost you more than 5-7 EUR to get almost anywhere in the city..