Please register to attend this FIM4R Workshop, co-located with the 10th plenary meeting of RDA (the Research Data Alliance). The Physics Department of McGill University has very kindly agreed to host the meeting; McGill is located very near to the RDA meeting location in Montreal, Canada.
LOCATION details:
The room that has been allocated is 103 in the Rutherford Physics Building . The room is also known as the R.E. Bell Seminar Room.
You will find the meeting room by taking a right turn after entering the main doors of the building. A campus map showing the Rutherford Building is at the web site:
** Note that the official address is 3600 University Street but the main door is on the campus side of the building, not the University Street side. **
Registration for RDA is open at There is a session of the "RDA IG Federated Identity Management" group at RDA on Wednesday 20th September at 13:30.
No-Host Dinner:
Please join us at Il Focolaio at 19:00 (unfortunately at your own expense!).
FIM4R workshop history:
Through these workshops, the research communities have converged on a common vision for FIM, enumerated a set of requirements and proposed a number of recommendations for ensuring a roadmap for the uptake of FIM is achieved. These points have been documented in a paper
This 11th workshop will continue work towards a version 2 of the FIM4R paper.