Nov 13 – 16, 2017
CIEMAT, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Following the 6th HL-LHC Annual Meeting held in Paris on 14-16 November 2016, the US-LARP Collaboration Meeting 28 held in Napa Valley on 24-26 April 2017, and the 3rd HiLumi Industry Day in Warrington on 22-23 May 2017, the 7th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting will be jointly organised by CIEMAT and CERN in Madrid, Spain from 13 to 16 November 2017.

This Annual Meeting will see the participation of all main HL-LHC contributors: the US HL-LHC AUP, involving five laboratories*, KEK-JP, CEA-FR, CIEMAT-ES, INFN-IT, the British Institutes**, Uppsala University-SE. Some new parties willing to collaborate with HL-LHC with in-kind contributions will also be present: BINP-RU, IHEP-CN, Lapland UAS-FI, TRIUMF-CA and many other Institutes.

The meeting will be based on the traditional format of plenary and work package parallel sessions, and aims to review the technical progress, the performance reach, and the consistency of the integration, as well as the results of the first installation exercise. The meeting will also focus on the preparation of the 3rd C&SR that will take place at CERN in spring 2018.

Additionally, this Annual Meeting will host the 7th meeting of the HL-LHC Collaboration Board.

Participation is by invitation only, and registration is mandatory and without fee.

Furthermore, a Workshop on Nb3Sn Rutherford cable characterization for accelerator magnets is organized by CEA and CERN at CIEMAT after the Collaboration Meeting on Thursday 16 November and Friday 17 November 2017. This workshop is open to scientists and engineers involved in Nb3Sn accelerator magnet development worldwide. More information is available on the workshop website.








** Uni. of Manchester, Uni. of Lancaster, Uni. of Liverpool, Uni. of Royal Holloway, Uni. of Southampton, Uni. of Huddersfield, STFC-ASTeC Daresbury, Univ. of Dundee.



CIEMAT, Madrid