Oct 7 – 10, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone
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Following its travel overseas to Canada last year, the HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting returns to Europe in 2024. Jointly organised by INFN and CERN, the 14th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting will take place in person at the Faculty of Architecture (DAD) in Genoa, Italy from 7th to 10th October 2024. This edition will provide the occasion to showcase the successful production and validation of the first series D2 magnets, produced by ASG in Genoa as an in-kind contribution by INFN (Italy), as well as the completion of production of the MgB2 wires for the superconducting link by ASG.

Based on the traditional programme with plenary and work package parallel sessions, this meeting will serve as a technical update forum for the 8th Cost and Schedule Review, scheduled for 11th to 14th November 2024.

The main objectives will be to update all HiLumi collaborators on the advancement of the series production of components for the project, to highlight the progress made in the transition from prototype validation to series production,  to showcase the status of the IT String test stand installation at CERN and to update all collaborators on the latest schedule changes. As in previous editions, the meeting will include a restricted session for the 14th HL-LHC Collaboration Board in the afternoon of Tuesday, 8th October 2024.

This annual meeting foresees a Welcome drink on Monday 7th October, a visit to the ASG facilities in the morning of Tuesday 8th October, and a common banquet on Wednesday 9th October.

Participation in the meeting is by invitation only, and registration is mandatory and without fee.

Registration deadline: 20th September 2024.

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Participants of the 14th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting gathered in the Aula San Salvatore, Genoa, Italy on 7th October 2024


