7–10 Oct 2024
Europe/Rome timezone
To all registrants: if you receive a message from the Global Travel Experts team regarding your accommodation, please ignore it. It is a phishing message.

List of meetings rooms

Monday Oct. 7:

Aula San Salvatore (Piazza Sarzano): Plenaries, registration desk and coffee breaks


Tuesday Oct. 8:

Aula San Salvatore (Piazza Sarzano): Plenaries, WP4 session, registration desk and morning coffee break

Chiostro (DAD): Afternoon coffee break

Room Vallega (DAD): Collaboration Board meeting

Room Mediterranea (DAD): HL Secretariat, spare room (afternoon only)

Aula San Salvatore (Piazza Sarzano): WP3 Cold powering tests session

Room 0A: WP8/WP12 session

Aula Benvenuto (DAD): W2/5/7 session

Room 4D (DAD, fourth floor): WP4 session


Wednesday Oct. 9:

Chiostro (DAD, fourth floor): Coffee breaks

Room Vallega (DAD, 8th floor): Steering Committee meeting with INFN

Room Mediterranea (DAD): HL Secretariat, spare room

Aula San Salvatore (Piazza Sarzano): WP2/WP3 session, WP3/WP16 session, WP3 MQXF session

Aula Benvenuto (DAD, fourth floor): WP4 session, WP4/WP9/WP12/WP19 session

Room 4L (DAD, fourth floor): WP16 session, WP13 session (afternoon)

Room 4D (DAD, fourth floor): WP13 session (morning), WP2/WP5/WP7/WP10 session


Thursday Oct. 10:

Chiostro (DAD, fourth floor): Coffee breaks

Room Vallega (DAD, 8th floor): Steering Committee meetings with CIEMAT, FNAL, TRIUMF

Room Mediterranea (DAD): HL Secretariat, spare room

Aula San Salvatore (Piazza Sarzano): MCF WP7/WP3/WP6B/WP16 session, WP2/WP3/WP19 session, Close-out

Aula Benvenuto (DAD, fourth floor): WP8/WP12 session, WP5/WP7/WP14 session

Room 0B (DAD, ground floor): WP2/WP4 session, WP4 session