14th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting, Genoa (Italy), 7-10 October 2024


Following its travel overseas to Canada last year, the HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting returns to Europe in 2024. Jointly organised by INFN and CERN, the 14th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting will take place in person in Genoa, Italy from 7th to 10th October 2024. This edition will provide the occasion to showcase the successful production and validation of the first series D2 magnets, produced by ASG in Genoa as an in-kind contribution by INFN (Italy), as well as the completion of production of the MgB2 wires for the superconducting link by ASG.

Based on the traditional programme with plenary and work package parallel sessions, this meeting will serve as a technical update forum for the 8th Cost and Schedule Review, scheduled for 11th to 14th November 2024.

The main objectives will be to update all HiLumi collaborators on the advancement of the series production of components for the project, to highlight the progress made in the transition from prototype validation to series production,  to showcase the status of the IT String test stand installation at CERN and to update all collaborators on the latest schedule changes. As in previous editions, the meeting will include a restricted session for the 14th HL-LHC Collaboration Board in the afternoon of Tuesday, 8th October 2024.

This annual meeting foresees a Welcome drink on Monday 7th October, a visit to the ASG facilities in the morning of Tuesday 8th October, and a common banquet on Wednesday 9th October.

Participation in the meeting is by invitation only, and registration is mandatory and without fee.

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Registration Form
  • Alessandra Pampaloni
  • Alex Castilla
  • Amelia Veronica Edwards
  • Andre Donadon Servelle
  • Andrew John Lees
  • Antonio Alonso
  • Arnaud Pascal Foussat
  • Barbara Caiffi
  • Carla Piccinni
  • Carlos Manuel Guerra Granjeiro
  • Cecile Noels
  • Chiara Bracco
  • Chiara Pasquino
  • Christelle Gaignant
  • Daniel Prelipcean
  • Daniel Wollmann
  • Daniele Butti
  • Dirk Mergelkuhl
  • Dobrin Kaltchev
  • Edward Stephen Jordan
  • Emma Elizabeth Quinn
  • Evan Vedzessou
  • Ezio Todesco
  • Fabio Merli
  • Fernando Toral
  • Francisco Sanchez Galan
  • Gerhard Schneider
  • Giorgio Ambrosio
  • Giorgio Apollinari
  • Giuseppe Bregliozzi
  • Gregory West
  • Hannes Bartosik
  • Helene Guerin
  • Herve Prin
  • Ivan Romera Ramirez
  • Jaime Perez Espinos
  • James Storey
  • Jan Uythoven
  • Javier Garcia Hernandez
  • Juan Carlos Perez
  • Julien Debeux
  • Kavi Chauhan
  • Laurent Jean Tavian
  • Luca Dassa
  • Lukas Felsberger
  • Marco Garlasche
  • Maria Perez Ornedo
  • Markus Zerlauth
  • Marta Bajko
  • Massimo Giovannozzi
  • Michal Krupa
  • Michele Martino
  • Michele Modena
  • Michele Sisti
  • Miguel Navarro Baeza
  • Mike Lamont
  • Naeem Abdul Huque
  • Nicholas Lusa
  • Nicolas Bourcey
  • Nicolas Heredia Garcia
  • Niklas Templeton
  • Nuria Valverde Alonso
  • Oliver Boettcher
  • Oliver Bruning
  • Oliver Kester
  • Oliver Poynton
  • Paolo Fessia
  • Pascal Hermes
  • Penelope Matilde Quassolo
  • Philip Nicholas Burrows
  • Piyush Joshi
  • Qingjin Xu
  • Rama Calaga
  • Raymond Veness
  • Reiner Denz
  • Ruth Diaz Vez
  • Samer Yammine
  • Sara Domingo Gomez
  • Sergio Di Giovannantonio
  • Simon Barrière
  • Sofia Kostoglou
  • Stefania Farinon
  • Susana Izquierdo Bermudez
  • Tatsushi Nakamoto
  • Teresa Guillen Hernandez
  • Teresa Martinez de Alvaro
  • Tomasz Podzorny
  • Vanessa Gahier
  • Victor Guillen Humbria
  • Vincent Baglin
  • Vito Lombardo
  • Volodymyr Rodin
  • Wolfgang Hofle
  • Xavier Buffat
  • Yann Leclercq
    • 08:00
      Registration at DAD Faculty of Architecture (DAD), Genoa

      Faculty of Architecture (DAD), Genoa

    • Plenary session 1 - Monday AM Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


      • 1
        Welcome by INFN Genova Director
        Speaker: Mauro Gino Taiuti (Università di Genova and INFN Genova)
      • 2
        HL-LHC Project status
        Speaker: Oliver Bruning (CERN)
      • 3
        LHC Run3 operation status
        Speaker: Mike Lamont (CERN)
      • 4
        Status of US-AUP contribution
        Speaker: Giorgio Apollinari (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
      • 5
        Status of WP3
        Speaker: Ezio Todesco (CERN)
      • 6
        Status of MQXFB
        Speaker: Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)
      • 7
        Status of D2
        Speaker: Stefania Farinon (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
    • 11:00
      Coffee break Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


    • Plenary session 2 - Monday AM Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


      • 8
        Status of MQXFA
        Speaker: Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)
      • 9
        Status of LQXFA cold mass, cryostating and cold test
        Speaker: Sandor Feher
      • 10
        Status of D1
        Speaker: Tatsushi Nakamoto (KEK)
      • 11
        Status of MCBXF coil production
        Speaker: Fernando Toral (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES))
      • 12
        MCBXF assembly
        Speaker: Juan Carlos Perez (CERN)
      • 13
        Status of CCT magnets
        Speaker: Qingjin Xu
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • Plenary session 1 - Monday PM Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


      • 14
        Summary and status for the HL-LHC Collaborations
        Speaker: Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
      • 15
        Update on collimation losses and halo limitations
        Speaker: Pascal Hermes (CERN)
      • 16
        Run 4 operational scenario
        Speaker: Nicolas Mounet (CERN)
      • 17
        IT String planning and installation status
        Speaker: Marta Bajko (CERN)
      • 18
        SM18 test facility upgrade
        Speaker: Gerard Willering (CERN)
    • 15:50
      Coffee break Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


    • Plenary session 2 - Monday PM Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


      • 19
        Status of WP4 incl. RI industrialization
        Speaker: Rama Calaga (CERN)
      • 20
        US-AUP contribution and Zanon contract
        Speaker: Leonardo Ristori (Fermilab)
      • 21
        Status of DQW cryomodules
        Speaker: Niklas John Templeton (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
      • 22
        Status of RFD cryomodules
        Speaker: Robert Edward Laxdal
      • 23
        Status of the UK contributions for beam instrumentation and loss studies
        Speaker: Stephen Gibson (Royal Holloway, University of London)
    • Welcome Drink Terrazza Mirador (Museo del Mare Galata)

      Terrazza Mirador

      Museo del Mare Galata

    • 08:30
      Transfer from city centre to ASG
    • WP4 - Tuesday AM
      • 24
        RFD-CM Repair overview and highlight
        Speakers: Joanna Sylwia Swieszek, Simon Barrière (CERN)
      • 25
        Experience on NCRs & future expectations
        Speaker: Julien Debeux
      • 26
        Summary of RFD reviews at CERN
        Speakers: Marco Garlasche (CERN), Nuria Valverde Alonso (CERN)
      • 27
        SM18 validation of RFD Prototype for SPS tests
        Speakers: Katarzyna Turaj (CERN), Amelia Veronica Edwards (Lancaster University)
      • 28
        RF power experience from RFD & future steps
        Speaker: Eric Montesinos (CERN)
      • 29
    • 09:00
      Visit of ASG
    • 10:30
      Transfer from ASG to DAD
    • 11:00
      Coffee break Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


    • Plenary session 1 - Tuesday AM
      • 30
        HL-LHC Baseline and TCC summary
        Speaker: Markus Zerlauth (CERN)
      • 31
        Procurement strategy and quality reporting
        Speaker: Hector Garcia Gavela (CERN)
      • 32
        LS3 installation plans and equipment readiness
        Speaker: Paolo Fessia (CERN)
      • 33
        Update in view of cryogenics installation
        Speaker: Vanessa Gahier (CERN)
    • 12:50
      Lunch break
    • Plenary session 1 - Tuesday PM Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


      • 35
        WP12 update with a focus on beam screen production
        Speaker: Vincent Baglin (CERN)
      • 36
        WP6B in preparation for IT String operation
        Speaker: Michele Martino (CERN)
      • 37
        Civil engineering wrap up and status on tech. infra.
        Speaker: Laurent Jean Tavian (CERN)
      • 38
        Progress with the HL beam dump
        Speaker: Nicola Solieri (CERN)
    • 15:40
      Coffee break Chiostro (DAD)



    • Collaboration Board (restricted) DAD


    • WP2/WP5/WP7
      • 39
        Integrated luminosity of the new HL-LHC baseline
        Speaker: Sofia Kostoglou (CERN)
      • 40
        Collimation MD results
        Speaker: Bjorn Hans Filip Lindstrom (University of London (GB))
      • 41
        Optics MD results for the new HL baseline
        Speaker: Riccardo De Maria (CERN)
      • 42
        Collimator impedance measurements
        Speaker: Lorenzo Giacomel (CERN)
      • 43
        Recap. of failure cases for round and flat optics
        Speaker: Daniel Wollmann (CERN)
    • WP3 - Cold powering tests - Tuesday PM DAD


      • 44
        SM18 testing update (overall status bench upgrade, magnets tested and to be tested, main test results (not MQXF))
        Speaker: Gerard Willering (CERN)
      • 45
        Production testing summary of the MQXFA magnets
        Speaker: Piyush Joshi
      • 46
        Horizontal test results of LQXFA/B02 and plans for testing LQXFA/B03
        Speaker: Guram Chlachidze
      • 47
        Horizontal test results at CERN
        Speaker: Franco Julio Mangiarotti (CERN)
      • 48
        MQXFS test results
        Speakers: Franco Julio Mangiarotti (CERN), Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)
    • WP8/WP12 - Operational aspects of TAXS region - Tuesday PM DAD


      • 49
        Interface specification
      • 50
        RP considerations
      • 51
        Services integration
      • 52
        Alignment- constraints and requirements
    • WP4 - Discussion - Tuesday PM DAD


      • 53
        RFD NCRs & future mitigation
        Speaker: Edward Stephen Jordan (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
      • 54
        Specifications updates
        Speaker: Luca Dassa (CERN)
      • 55
        Cavity Specification drawings / Metrology
        Speaker: Raphael Leuxe (CERN)
      • 56
        WP4 discussion on US-AUP/TRIUMF schedule
        Speaker: Leonardo Ristori (Fermilab)
      • 57
        Preparation of cavities before string assembly at TRIUMF (speaker tbc)
    • HLCB Dinner (by invitation)
    • WP13 - Wednesday AM Part 1 DAD


      • 58
        Overview of WP13 activities and installation plans during LS3
        Speaker: Raymond Veness (CERN)
      • 59
        Status and strategy for the BLM ionisation production
        Speaker: Gerhard Schneider (CERN)
      • 60
        Modifications on the BLM system in IP1/5 for HL beams
        Speaker: Sara Morales Vigo
      • 61
        Beam loss monitor sensivity need (detector and electronic )
        Speaker: Christos Zamantzas (CERN)
    • WP16 - Wednesday AM DAD


      • 62
        Safe intervention during operation on the electrical circuits of the IT String
      • 63
        Control and sofware for the HWC and operation of the IT STRING
      • 64
        From HWC of the IT String to the HWC of the HL-LHC: status and preparation
      • 66
        Organisation of the operation of the IT String
      • 67
        IST and SCT in the IT String: results
    • WP2/WP3 - Wednesday AM DAD


      • 68
        Field quality updates, NbTi
        Speaker: Ezio Todesco (CERN)
      • 69
        Field quality updates, including integral gradient and voltage spikes, Nb3Sn
        Speaker: Lucio Fiscarelli (CERN)
      • 70
        FQ, TF and sorting for all magnets
        Speakers: Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN), Joschua Werner Dilly (CERN)
      • 71
        Correction and mitigation measures
    • WP4 - Wednesday AM Part 1 DAD


      • 72
        RFD Industrial production challenges
        Speakers: Manuele Narduzzi, Leonardo Ristori (Fermilab)
      • 73
        DQW industrial production challenges
        Speaker: Nuria Valverde Alonso (CERN)
      • 74
        RFD pre-series cavity testing
        Speaker: Alex Castilla (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 75
        DQW series cavity testing
        Speakers: Katarzyna Turaj (CERN), Amelia Veronica Edwards (Lancaster University)
      • 76
        BCP of HOM couplers
        Speaker: Leonel Marques Antunes Ferreira (CERN)
      • 77
        Field emission analysis on DQW cavities (speaker tbc)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Chiostro (DAD)



    • Steering Committee with INFN DAD


    • WP13 - Wednesday AM Part 2
      • 78
        Update on the IP BPM production and delivery schedule
        Speaker: Emma Elizabeth Quinn
      • 79
        Expected performance (resolution and accuracy) of the BPM electronic read-out system
        Speaker: Michal Krupa (CERN)
      • 80
        Final design of the luminosity monitor in TAXN and experience with prototype detectro during Run3
        Speaker: Stefano Mazzoni (CERN)
    • WP4 - Wednesday AM Part 2 DAD


      • 81
        RFD HOM coupler challenges
        Speaker: Naeem Abdul Huque
      • 82
        DQW & RFD HOM couplers fabrication challenges
        Speaker: Simon Barrière (CERN)
      • 83
        Tuner experiences from RFD & next steps
        Speaker: Kurt Artoos (CERN)
      • 84
        LLRF & Controls
        Speakers: Gregoire Hagmann (CERN), Andy Butterworth (CERN)
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • WP13 - Wednesday PM Part 1
      • 85
        Optimised BGC for HL (speaker tbc)
      • 86
        Performance of the BGC in the LHC
        Speaker: Daniele Butti
      • 87
        Performance of the EO BPM prototype in the SPS
        Speaker: Max Bosman (University of London (GB))
      • 88
        Reviewing the high bandwidth PU technology
        Speaker: Tom Levens (CERN)
    • WP2/WP5/WP7
      • 89
        Dynamic aperture of the new HL-LHC baseline
        Speaker: Colas Droin (CERN)
      • 90
        Collimation performance aspects of HL (tight and relaxed settings, round and flat optics)
        Speaker: Andre Donadon Servelle (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
      • 91
        Halo studies including hierarchy breakage
        Speaker: Carlo Emilio Montanari (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 92
        High intensity MDs and operational experience
        Speaker: Xavier Buffat (CERN)
      • 93
        Speaker: Lotta Mether (CERN)
    • WP3/WP16 - Wednesday PM DAD


      • 94
        Status of cold mass activities at CERN (all HL-LHC WP3)
        Speaker: Herve Prin (CERN)
      • 95
        Status of cryostat activities at CERN (all HL-LHC WP3)
        Speaker: Delio Ramos (CERN)
      • 96
        Cryo magnet installation into the IT String
        Speaker: Sandrine Le Naour (CERN)
      • 97
        QA/QC of WP16; NCR of cryo magnets for the IT String
        Speaker: Nicolas Heredia Garcia (CERN)
    • WP4/WP12/WP19 - Wednesday AM
      • 98
        Series cryomodule design
        Speaker: Teddy Capelli (CERN)
      • 99
        Cavity/cryomodule alignment RFD & series
        Speaker: Vivien Rude (CERN)
      • 100
        Vaccum, preparations for collaborations & status
        Speaker: Giuseppe Bregliozzi (CERN)
      • 101
        Cryogenics, preparations for collaborations
        Speaker: Vanessa Gahier (CERN)
      • 102
        Mechnical measurements, experience during transport and testing of cryomodules
        Speaker: Michael Guinchard (CERN)
      • 103
        Calculations for equipment during transport
        Speaker: Teresa Guillen Hernandez (CERN)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break Chiostro (DAD)



    • WP13 - Wednesday PM Part 2
      • 104
        Test of the SR coronagraph on LHC
        Speaker: Jan Pucek ((MPP/TUM/CERN))
      • 105
        Summary of the Beam halo working group, specifications and detector options
        Speaker: Federico Roncarolo (CERN)
      • 106
        Updated design of the HL Beam gas ionization monitor
        Speaker: James Storey (CERN)
    • WP3 MQXF - Wednesday PM DAD


      • 107
        MQXFA fabrication status and schedule
        Speaker: Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)
      • 108
        MQXFA magnet assembly and preload
        Speakers: Paolo Ferracin, Paolo Ferracin
      • 109
        MQXFB coil fabrication
        Speaker: Nicholas Lusa (CERN)
      • 110
        MQXFB magnet assembly
    • WP4 - Wednesday PM DAD


      • 111
        Canada CM-series challenges, schedule & discussions, procurement, instrumentation, QA/QC
        Speaker: Robert Edward Laxdal
      • 112
        UK CM-series challenges, schedule & discussions, procurement, instrumentation, QA/QC
        Speaker: Niklas John Templeton (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
      • 113
        Discussion - Cryomodules
    • HL-LHC Banquet Museo Diocesano

      Museo Diocesano

    • MCF (WP7/WP3/WP6B/WP16) - Thursday AM DAD


      • 115
        QH strip resistances and circuit parameters in the MQXF magnets
        Speaker: Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)
      • 116
        Experience with WP6B equipment operation in the HL-LHC IT String
        Speaker: Hugues Thiesen (CERN)
      • 117
        PDSU-CLIQ/DQHDS interlocking via BIS concentrator
        Speaker: Tomasz Podzorny (CERN)
      • 118
        Reliability studies on PDSU and PDSU-BIS concentrator interface
        Speaker: Lukas Felsberger (CERN)
      • 119
        ElQA testing for HL-LHC
        Speaker: Gregory Hugh West
    • Steering Committee with CIEMAT DAD


    • WP2/WP4
      • 120
        SPS-CC instability studies & RF feedback gain along HL cycle
        Speaker: Lorenzo Giacomel (CERN)
      • 121
        CC-PU specification update
        Speakers: Wolfgang Hofle (CERN), Michal Krupa (CERN)
      • 122
        Pressure rise studies, SPS-CC (WP12 speaker tbc)
      • 123
        LHC RF power studies & MD results
        Speaker: Birk Emil Karlsen-Baeck (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
      • 124
        LHC longitudinal impedance studies
        Speaker: Michail Zampetakis (CERN)
      • 125
        Projections for 2025 & HL-LHC
        Speaker: Helga Timko (CERN)
    • WP8/WP12 - From production to installation - Thursday AM
      • 126
        Absorbers: TAXS, TAXN
      • 127
        Vacuum chambers : TAXS, TAXN
      • 128
        VAX box
      • 129
        VAXS modules
    • 10:30
      Coffee break DAD


    • WP2/WP3/WP19 - Thursday AM DAD


      • 130
        Geometrical axis
        Speaker: Vivien Rude (CERN)
      • 131
        Magnetic axis
        Speaker: Carlo Petrone (CERN)
      • 132
        Impact of mechanical and magnetic measurements for performance estimates
        Speaker: Riccardo De Maria (CERN)
      • 133
        Status of FRAS
        Speaker: Mateusz Sosin (CERN)
    • WP5/WP7/WP14 DAD


    • Close out Aula San Salvatore (DAD)

      Aula San Salvatore


    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • Steering Committee with US-AUP DAD


    • 17:00
      Coffee break DAD


    • Steering Committee with TRIUMF DAD
