9:00 AM
The LHC Status and Schedule
Jos Engelen
9:20 AM
Resource / Service Review - What can we count on for 2008 production?
Harry Renshall
10:35 AM
ATLAS Status, Plans and Requirements for May run and beyond
Kors Bos
11:20 AM
LHCb Status, Plans and Requirements for May run and beyond
Nick Brook
(University of Bristol, LHCb)
1:05 PM
CMS Status, Plans and Requirements for May run and beyond
Daniele Bonacorsi
1:50 PM
ALICE Status, Plans and Requirements for May run and beyond
Latchezar Betev
2:35 PM
Baseline Middleware Versions - what is in production
Markus Schulz
Oliver Keeble
2:45 PM
Baseline storage-ware versions - what is in production
Flavia Donno
3:25 PM
Follow-up on Action Items from April CCRC'08 F2F
4:25 PM
Running, monitoring and measuring the challenge
5:10 PM
CCRC'08 Post-mortem workshop in June (12-13)