Feb 5 – 6, 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

The second EOS workshop is in preparation to bring together the EOS community.

A two-day event at CERN is organized to provide a platform for  exchange between developers, users and sites running EOS.


The EOS development and operation teams will present the current state of the art, best practices and the future road map.

In particular we will report on the progress of the scale-out namespace architecture and the new FUSE implementation.

We warmly invite sites to present their current deployment, operational experiences, possible future deployment plans and input for improvements.

We encourage experiment representatives to present their future storage requirements.

Hands-on sessions are foreseen to enable exchange of information between operation teams at different sites and the development teams.

The first day will finish with a social dinner (at your expenses).


The workshop participation will be without fee.

If you are interested in joining the EOS community - this is the perfect occasion!

Please register yourself to the workshop here. Don't forget to submit an abstract if you want to share your experience/ideas within the EOS community.

We hope to see many of you in February 2018!

Your CERN EOS team.

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.