The computing strategy document for HL-LHC identifies storage as one of the main WLCG challenges in one decade from now. In the naive assumption of applying today¹s computing model, the ATLAS and CMS experiments will need one order of magnitude more storage resources than what could be realistically provided by the funding agencies at the same cost of today. The evolution of the computing...
EOS is participating in the EU-funded eXtreme Data Cloud (XDC) Project which will support work on distributed deployment, caching and federation. This contribution gives an overview of the project and EOS's role within it.
The ALICE Online/Offline (O2) Disk Buffer project will deploy a 60PB EOS filesystem at CERN to accommodate the Pb-Pb data taking period planned for 2020. An initial ~6PB evaluation system is planned for deployment in May 2018.
Members from CERN, Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) are collaborating on Work Package 15 (WP15) in the development of a...
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission has set up the JRC Earth Observation Data and Processing Platform (JEODPP) as a pilot infrastructure to enable the knowledge production Units to process and analyze big geospatial data in support to EU policy needs. This platform is built upon commodity hardware and first operational services were made available mid 2016. It currently...
We report on operational experiences and future plans with the Fermilab LHC Physics Center (LPC) computing cluster. The LPC cluster is a 4500-core user analysis cluster with 5 PB of storage running EOS. The LPC cluster supports several hundred users annually, from CMS university groups across the US. We anticipate the total EOS storage pool to grow by 50% by the start of Run 3 of the LHC.
This report will talk about the current status and recent updates of EOS at IHEP Site since the first EOS workshop in 2017, covering storage expansion, issues encountered and other related work.
During the last two years Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has administered the ORNL::EOS T2 site which has seen two storage capacity expansions with installed capacity increasing from 1PB to 2.5PB. As utilization and capacity have grown observations on the performance impact of underlaying storage architecture, RAID size, filesystem design decisions, and performance tunings have been...
Talk will present new automatic tool to configure/update EOS storage using docker (eos-docker-utils). Currently plain EOS and ALICE EOS storage configurations are supported. First production storage is running for ALICE experiment (ALICE:Kosice::EOS).
During this presentation, we will demo the setup and operation of a highly-available QuarkDB cluster, ready to be used as backend for the new EOS namespace.
The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) is the tape archival back-end for EOS and the successor to CASTOR. This talk will give an update on CTA developments since last year's EOS workshop.
In this presentation we will briefly explain the foreseen developments to implement the XDC and data lake concepts.
CERNBox is a the CERN cloud storage service. It allows synchronising and sharing files on all major desktop and mobile platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Android, iOS) aiming to provide universal access and offline availability to any data stored in the CERN EOS infrastructure.
With more than 12k users registered in the system, CERNBox has responded to the high demand in our diverse community...